

Friday, 6 December 2013

Taiwan Explores Day 1: Settling in

All was good and better than expected!

In my mind, the worse case scenario was that i had to sleep in the airport, couldn't buy the 3G data SIM card and would be lost and confused, far far away from Angela. Then the best case scenario was that I have a home stay where I had to sleep on the floor of my buddy's room. 

But things went better than that:) I think it's was a blessing in disguise that I have yet to start my project. I get 4 days of touring around Taipei with free accommodation. Poor Angela has to get down to business already...

Well so I travelled from from 7am to 3pm the whole day, from Singapore to taoyuan airport and airport to Taipei and stuff. 

- that's me and Angela bored and camwhoring in the plane. The ride was really uncomfortable and longgggg-

Ya so after touchdown, the Taiwanese AIESEC members took me to a boardgames place to play. I'm thinking the rates are really cheap if its only 60NT for 2hrs:) I don't think it's that cheap in Singapore leh XD after that they took me to Shilin night market to grab my dinner. I had the most awesome (but really inexpensive) dinner ever! I had authentic Taipei bubble tea, some really nice meat mushrooms, abit of Xiangchang and the mianxian. The food here is of a different level from Singapore! It's so delicious (but really unhealthy hahaha. I think Angela needs lot of oranges to stay healthy like this)

Yep then because I had to wait to 9.30pm for the AIESEC-er in charge of my home stay, we loitered around at the cycling rental booth and cycled for abit. It's quite cool how Taipei residents can ride the bikes for free for the first 30mins and then the rates at as low as a few cents (in Singapore currency) an hour. The poor AIESEC-er who was accompanying me did not know how to cycle so she was just looking after the luggage most of the time while I rode around the mrt station. I attempted teaching her how to cycle tho. But due to bad Chinese translation and lack of strength to help support the bike, I failed to teach her how to cycle T.T

Ya so at night, I arrived at my homestay, and found myself at a terrace like place. The house was hugeeee. The building only had 5 floors and each unit was incredibly huge. I had a whole room to myself:) yippee~ then I didn't need aircon or anything cuz the weather was so cooling already. Had a nice sleep:)

Off to explore Taiwan alone today!


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