

Sunday 12 May 2013

Nike 5km Run

 I feel like this green blob during the Nike 5km run lol. Lazy, flabby and unfit XD

I came into the run motivated by the thought of overtaking my sis. 5 seconds into the run,  I already lost my sis (sis behind far far behind me -.-) lol.. Actually, the place was so crowded I couldn't even see if my sis was still behind me, or already overtook me. It was just a sea of orange Nike shirts.

Somehow I manage to tahan running a.k.a jogging 1.6km. However, after the 3km mark, I morphed back into ms blob-y and slugged through the remaining of the run haha. Around 2+km mark, I started getting heart pains, lung pains and back pains and couldn't really find the motivation to get back into my running momentum. Especially when you see a sea of people right in front of you, block your path, the motivation to speed up disappear you know.. Then when you see people walking in front of you, this is how your thinking pattern will be like
"Ok I'll jog behind this person" *jogs at insanely slow pace*
"Gahhhh I can't take it, I'll somehow squeeze through and run" *succeed squeezing through*
- after running another few metres, kenna blocked by another bunch of walking dudes YET AGAIN -
" What the heck" *Jogs for a few seconds*
"Aiya I walk also la"
This happened quite a few times -.-

After I reached the 4km point, I saw this really nice scenery

So rewarding right!!! Its totally unfiltered! Then I lost all thoughts of running. I was just half jogging, half walking to the end. I took about 45mins or less for the whole 5km journey. After the run, I was just a zombie with legs set on "automatic walk" mode lol. Couldn't even sit down to rest cuz the road and grass was wet and muddy T.T

I'll be insane if I joined a run longer than 5km lols

Til next time,

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