

Friday 10 May 2013

Transition into Uni Life

I'm sure everyone will go through this stage of life-one of uncertainty, fear and worries. I'm currently in the phase, with these thoughts going through my head:

"Is everything going to be alright when I go into Uni? "
"Is this course what I really want?"
"Will I be able to make friends in Uni? Will I lose my friends from JC?"
"What will happen to me now?"
When I was still in primary school, things were pretty clear to me. I knew my goals and I could see where I was going. I wanted to be a gynaecologist, the cool person who brings babies to the world. I love science. So I picked science related courses. Decision-making was easy as pie. I worked hard towards my goal. Physics not good? I practiced papers after papers of physics questions. English failing? I found myself a GP tuition.

Then the moment of truth: A' level results slips. I slowly glanced down at my result slip.

Physics: A (Yay~ Looks like my hardwork paid off)
General Paper: B ( Not bad. From near failing grade to a B, that's an achievement

But then fate played a rather cruel joke to me. I got a C grade for Chemistry, my best subject. I guess it's because I couldn't finish my A' level Chemistry paper. The nerves got to me. I got stucked in one section C question and didn't want to give up. HAHA, we learnt in Econs that there's always opportunity cost right. I spent more time on the tough question. I ended up sacrificing time to do the easy question. Thus my downfall. Exam nervessssssssssssss gahhhhhh~~~

Yea so I was lost. With a C in Chemistry, my chances in getting into healthcare related courses or any science courses becomes very low. My route in life blurred up. The two universities I applied for gave me "Accountancy" course. Rationally, its still a pretty good course. I'm good in math and accountancy is probably in my blood and all. Still, I'm pretty worried. All my life, I've been studying sciences. I didn't have any exposure to accountancy. A sneak peak into accountancy modules, I see many chim looking topics that I've never learnt before. I'm starting from a completely clean slate. Then the uneasiness just kicks in: Will I do well in this? Is this what I am good at? 

Sure I was depressed for awhile when I didn't get the course of my choice (since its always been my childhood ambition). But then, whats the point of being depressed? I rather look forward, stay optimistic and make the best out of my options. Who knows, maybe its fate that I go into accountancy. Maybe that's my undiscovered strength XD Feeling uneasy and unsure, but I guess I'll enter uni with a brave and open heart:)

Then, there's another thing haunting me: making friends in University. It feels like PSLE all again- thrown into a completely new environment with most of your friends all going different paths..Flashblack into Sec 1 first day of school:

*sits at canteen awkwardly*
*spots a classmate*
Inner thoughts: She seems like she is from the same class. Should I talk to her? Nah, she will think I'm weird. What if she isn't from the same class? Gah, sucks to be alone I should join her..

You get the point. Internal debate whether to go make a friend lol. I'm so socially awkward! XD Ended up walking towards her, then before I say anything, I pretended that I was walking somewhere else and went back to my seat ( #epic fail. LOL )

HAHA. I hope this never happens again. Maybe JC groomed me to be more sociable? :P And if everything goes well, I'll maintain a good relationship with my clique and my bff:)

Apprehensive but praying for the best,
Jojo XD

There might be rain, there might even be storm, but I believe a rainbow will come after all of that ^^

p.s feels good getting this out of my system, even if no one is reading it haha

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