

Wednesday 10 July 2013

My stingy brother ;(

I have a really stingy brother. Ever since he got a girlfriend, he got really stingy. How so?

Here are some scenarios to prove my case
  1. I jio-ed my bro to play badminton with me since my holiday is coming to an end real fast. Using his Passion card, we book a slot at Senja-Cashew CC, 9.30am - 10.30am. The booking fees was $5 and he got me to pay the full amount since I was the one who wanted to play badminton -.- As though that was not stingy enough, he complained to me how he didn't charge me for his $1 transport fee

    40min after non-stop badminton
    (running up down left right, and smashing the ball with all my might)

    << I became like this dude

    Me: Can we take a break? Im so tired... I can't swing my hand anymore...

    Bro: Oi keep playing leh. 5 more mins
    Me: Huhhhh play left hand la I really can't move my armssssss
    Bro: 5 more mins. You play $5 book the court leh never use fully? Then I paid $1 transport fee also

    Ended up we played another 5 mins (there was alot of half hearted swings and grunts from my side to take a break XD)
    End of the day

    Bro: you hor.. make me utilised  only $0.80 of my transport fees leh. next time don't play with you liao

  2. My bro went to meet me at JEM for dinner after work during one of the weekends. My iPhone battery was draining out real fast so I ask him if he could lend me his charger. Then he was like "how much if I lend you?" "You know other countries there are shop that charges you for this kind of service" He even took it out and flaunt it in my face then put it back into his bag.... I mean if you already took it out, might as well give it to me right?!?! In the end he kinda push the charger to me and when I was using it, he insisted that I do something for him.

    That is not all! He asked me what I wanted to eat. I was like "din tau fung?" "Thai express?" "Yoshinoya?" He just shot down all my choices and hinted to me that he could only afford KFC-.- then what's the point of asking me?!?! :/ pure evil right...

    The KFC queue was super duper long. My brother wanted me to go queue. The genius me took advantage of his poor-ness and said "You queue. I give you $10. You keep the change" Then I ordered as expensive as possible. Basically my bro would have around $2++ change. But then my bro was even smarter.. he said " I return you the $2 bah.. but sogurt's on you"
    The sogurt costed me $6. That was such an evil-genius move :/
  3. You see I went along with his decision to eat KFC and even treat him to sogurt... THEN HE STILL WENT TO COMPLAIN TO ME about how much i made him spent... Those money that he could have otherwise spent on his girlfriend... WHAT?!?!
  4. My evil bro still dissed how at badly I decorated the sogurt. Then he said that he would be the one to decorate the sogurt the next time round. But then, I would have to pay him a $2 service charge for decorating... on top of the sogurt fees... -.- that is some evil money-sucking plan...
     I still remember the days when my bro was rich. He had all the money in the world. He need not save it up or spend it on any girlfriend. He would give me all his spare change and treat me to good food... Where did those days go ;( I guess the odds have turned once I started working.. Hahhh no longer the cute little meimei who get treats from everyone 0.o

Sucks getting old,

1 comment:

  1. Haha so it's true that accountancy runs in your family



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