

Wednesday 10 July 2013

EPIC way to protest :0

I was googling for funny stories and saw THIS:


[I won't put up the whole picture because its kinda X-rated... I don't want a nude photo on my memoir journal hahas. So if you are interested in the full new article you can click on the above link.]

Like woah...

I'm totally gobsmacked. It takes a super audacious/daring person to even volunteer for this sort of awareness campaign. I mean.. ARE YOU CRAZY..?! I know its to raise awareness to car drivers to look out for cyclists. But then,
  1. Is it even worth it to sacrifice your modesty for this cause? I mean there are many other ways to go about creating awareness. Showing off your "assets" is just public nuisance and embarrassing for you. Maybe not to just you, but people who are related to you, like your family?!?! Kudos to these volunteers' guts though 0.o

  2. I'm sure no one wants to see your... erm... "junk" (*rolls eyes 0.o) I pity those nearby pedestrians and drivers. There are literally forced to witness this act of sheer craziness. How is it different from those perverts who go around to little kids and flashing their "junk" to people. Its like plain-for-all-to-view pornography?! Its definitely too X-rated for little kids. Poor kids :/

    This is definitely some epic way to protest >.< Not encouraging or spurring on this campaign though. I don't even want to be part of it (Being the volunteer or the witness)
Completely dumbfounded,
Jojo @.@

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