

Monday 3 August 2015

The hardcore workaholic

It's the first time in forever that I have a month of break. No weekly cca meeting to attend, no pilot tests, no volunteering internships, no long-commitment jobs. I guess my audit manager is right. I am not the kind of person who can sit around at home doing nothing at home. Being so busy for the past 6 years (dedicating all my free time to my cca or my part-time job at Just Edu), I actually feel a sense of unease when I think of having nothing to do at home. I guess the workaholic in me just can't take it easy. I want to go new places, unlock new achievements, reconnect with old friends. (Such a contradiction cuz I'm really an introvert)

I have exhausted all my favourite vloggers' video, all the movies I wanted to watch. My favourite authors does not have new books for me to read. I hate exploring new authors because sometimes
1. the author writing style is not to my liking
2. Weird illogical plots
3. Characters I cannot understand/ empathize with
4. Bad endings, leaving me feeling even worse that I had wasted my time getting through the whole book

Also, SHINee is not appearing in another new variety that I can stalk. I have stopped watching drama series on television ever since university life. Animes are never as nice as the old ones anymore..Everyone else in my family is working :/ All that's left is to do mundane administrative stuff like checking out my modules announcements on Blackboard, making email groups etc.

The frustrations of mismatching schedules with friends
With so much expendable energy, I have gone out every single day, either with angela or common cliques or World Cup team (record-breaking actually!) However, it is so difficult to coordinate the schedules of so many people. Some old friends still have internship, some have camps, some are overseas, some have other plans. It is hard to find a few friends who I can hang out with every alternate days to explore new stuff huh...I have jio-ed angela so much, that she is almost getting in trouble with her parents OTL

Expensive construction projects
To spend my time productively, I wanted to make legos/ jigsaws. Unfortunately, huge lego construction projects (ie the Disneyland landmark) is so expensive! $400?!?! Cheap lego projects only takes 30minutes to complete... 

I have spent forever trying to get my hands on an appropriate jigsaw puzzle that can be a statement piece in my room. However it seems like many malls no longer sell jigsaw. My brother brought me to CityLink to get them and that jigsaw shop is no longer there -.-

The unfortunate event of poking a friend too much
 Desperately trying to fill up my empty schedule, I kept poking Mr J several times about going to Trampoline park together with Mr B, Angela and I. And to join us at karaoke with a common friend Ms SX (you know, because ange and I wanted to see how Mr J break the mike with his low voice) I just figured, more common friends/acquaintances, more things to keep the conversation flowing! #introvert

Regretfully, I pushed too far and took too long to figure that out. What happened was Mr B was too tired to join us at Trampoline park, so there was no point to go with 3 people. (it's buy one get one free promotion). I thought we could go to Trampoline park with Ms SX instead. Then soon I realise its impossible since Mr J did not want to 4 way outing with Ms SX. I even voiced that thought out loud, commenting "he scared of Ms SX". Must be an insensitive moment and a wrong word choice because Mr J replied " I got say scared".

I took that as an invitation for a debate. Not sensing his probably-pissed mood, I poked further and attempted to argue against it. Only to realise a few minutes after that I pushed the wrong button. He should be getting pissed. If I stood from his point of view, he is in a very difficult position because Ms SX is kinda a stranger to Mr J. Other people would not be comfortable with spending time with near-strangers. I realized that I should not have used my own yardstick to judge him. Just because I do silly stuff and put myself in socially uncomfortable situation, doesn't mean other logical people would. Just because I want to spend time with friends, doesn't mean he and Mr B would want to entertain my whims :/ I am such a brat. I am actually very disappointed with myself for being so self-centred. If I were to choose again -between being mean to a friend and being bored, I would rather stay bored at home. Haiz OTL moment


P.s Angela and I went around JEM, Big Box and JP just to find my new chunky, laced up ankle platform shoes today. We never did find my dream shoes :/ Shopping sure is dizzying. I literally had an headache. We ended up singing at JP park (aka terrorizing people- because the park was suddenly empty after we begin singing >_<) to regain our energies.

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