

Friday 10 May 2013

Downloading Nike running app

It's 1.48am, but I'll just check in to share my bad experience with Nike running app. I swear it hates me ( ;´Д`) I keyed in the username, password, confirmed password, postal code, country, bday.. ( as you would have noticed, there's quite ALOT of spaces to fill in...) then I press submit. Then they told me username unavailable. Turns out other than changing my username, all the stuff I keyed in before disppeared and I have to rekey- my password twice, bday and blah blah nonsense.

Ok sure 1 time. BUT then after I press ok, they tell me that my password doesn't match. Retyped both passwords a couple of time before they matched OTL. Ok after all that trouble, this popped up
"An error occurred logging into your account. Try again later"
It didn't just happen once, but THREE freaking times!!! Gahhhhh
I was just crying out in desperation, then started laughing in madness. Almost choked on my own saliva cuz I was laughing so hard, like a mad dog.

Yea then I gave up on rekeying the thing already but somehow the system decides to stop playing a joke on me and my account was suddenly there LOL -.-

Excited for the run today,

1 comment:

  1. lol every time i feel I need a laugh I'll come to this post. Too hilarious XDDDDDDDDD



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