

Thursday 9 May 2013

Intense Exercise Day with Angela

Finally my offday today, so I met up with Angela to do some training for my NIKE 5km run. The plan was to play badminton to warm up, then do some random workup at the gym then run 5km around my house. Plan kinda changed totally lol.

  • Badminton
    Angela and I walked to an empty land near my condo to play. Unfortunately, it was really windy. We barely managed to hit the ball continously for 10 times. The ball just flies out of reach within 3-4 hits?
    So this was how the game went. My shots keep flying too far due to the wind. Then Angela's shot keep flying to near. You can basically imagine how we were running around to catch the ball X.x Dead tired 10mins into the game. We ended up shifting to my condo's carpark to play badminton. Its better there... no wind but it was so dark, and there was a ceiling.. It still went pretty well. We managed to hit the ball 21 times consecutively ^_^ The game ended in another 15-20mins cuz we two old folk were too drained from badminton LOL
  • Gym workouts
    we got the key from the security guard house and played with the weight lifting machine:3 My first time playing with the weights machines kekeke. lol it was pretty cool, but i struggled with the 2kg weights lol. Became so addicted to the aircon, that we decided to just stay in the gym to run instead of running 5km around the park near my condo. My stamina training completely failed T_T I got heart/lung pains less than 10minutes into the running and had to stop for a drink...

I snapped a pic while slacking off during the run lol

Looks like I'm gonna died at the 5km Nike run.. (no aircon, no stamina..) In the end, I only ran about 1.9km on the treadmin in the span of 20mins. where did my napfa speed go man *sobs*

Praying for the best for my Nike run on Saturday,

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