

Thursday 9 May 2013

Traumatic events of 2012

Feeling random so I decided to recap some funny things that happened to me last year.
  1. The rubbish chute incident
    So one night I was going into the rubbish chute in my laundry room to throw some rubbish. Then as i open the chute, a very disgusting cockroach crept out. Did I mention I really hate cockroaches? Those brown disgusting creatures...Ewwww... (Angela once tagged a picture of a fake cockroach on my Facebook. Till this day, I still fear going through that part of my picture history XD) Back to the story: ya so I was freaking out then I slapped the chute shut and ran to my room. I told my mum about the cockroach then my mum when to the laundry room to check it out.

    Turns out, when I slammed the rubbish chute shut, the cockroach was still trying to escape. So the poor guy got cut into two- the head popping out, the butt still stuck inside. I didn't really get to see how the scene looked like. My brother described it to me XD Yea so I got traumatised for life. For a month or so, I didn't dare to go into the laundry room to do chores. Til now, I still don't dare to open the chute again OTL

  2. Manhanttan Fish incident
    During the A' Levels mugging period, Angela and I were zombified from all the mugging so we decided to treat ourselves to Manhanttan Fish :) The small flame dish is really nice~~ So after we made our payment, there's this part where the waiter will return you the change and give you some sweets right. I took one and struggled tearing open the sweet wrapper. Somehow I managed to make a small little hole in the sweet wrapper but my fingers too big to reach into it. So I brilliantly took a fork to poke into the hole, think that with the fork I can expand the hole to get the sweet out. Then

    The cup glass near to me shatter into pieces cuz I accidentally hit it as I pulled the fork out.

    Yea...We looked apologetically at the waiter nearby. Lucky she let us off and didn't do anything to us lol. So when I eat at restaurants now, I always make sure that the glass cups are as far from me as possible. Hahax XD
  3. Iron exploding incident 
    I organised a fund-raising event for the Zoo with my friends last year. We planned to sell pyssla beads keychain as one of the activities. So I asked my mum to lend me her clothes iron (since we need it to make the pyssla beads). The event ended and I returned the iron back to my mum... but it exploded on my mum. Apparently the wire short-circuited, then my mum got a quite a severe burnt and blisters :/ (sorry didn't take a picture of it)

    Guess she won't trust me with any machinery anymore >_< aigoo...
  4. ATM card incident
    I got my ATM card last year. I didn't know how to use it so I got Angela with me so that we can figure it out together. So we put the ATM card into the machine..

    *card doesn't move*
    Angela: The card is supposed to automatically move in...

    We pushed the card in further, but nothing happened. So we asked the aunty queuing behind for help. The aunty pushed the card in further ( to the extent that its so far in that we can take it back out anymore) However, the screen still shows no response OTL. We panicked. I put my bag on the floor and took out my rulers from my bag and tried to pry out my card back. The two of us were sweating in desperation at that time. Then an angry uncle queuing behind told us that there is a camera so we shouldn't be doing that. Luckily a nice stranger stepped in and

    Nice stranger: Maybe you can go to the bank and ask the technician for help?
    Me: Err I don't know where is the POSB bank leh
    Nice stranger: I can bring you there. Maybe one of you stay here, one of you follow me?

    Thank goodness for the nice stranger man! Such a nice man~~ If that guy weren't there to advice us..things would probably go worse hahas. So I left my bag with Angela and followed the stranger to the bank to seek for help. When i go back to the ATM machine, my bag and Angela WERE GONE. I searched my pockets for my handphone or anything. Nope completely empty.. I left my handphone and my wallet in my bag (and Angela is holding on to it!!)

      #epic fail moment
    I walked around ntuc and the whole level a few times but I couldn't find Angela. Out of complete desperation, I went back to the bank to tell the police officer about my situation

    Me: Erm.. I lost my bag and my friend..*goes on to explain how it all happened*
    Policeman: Then you call your friend? You can use the phone here
    Me: Err.. I cannot remember my friend's handphone number...

    So the policeman brought me to the bank Help counter to explain my situation to the customer service officer. OTL Luckily the customer service officer was super brilliant. She said "Why don't you call your own phone number then? Your friend has your phone right?" It was a complete halleluiah moment. So i quickly dialed by phone number using the bank's phone
    First try: No answer
    (sweats profusely. Then I redialed)
    -Angela picked up-
    Angela: I'm just outside NTUC (FYI, the atm machine was inside ntuc)

    Yea, so it turns out Angela moved outside NTUC to dodge away from the angry customers queuing for the ATM machine. Then when I was walking around NTUC to look for her, she was walking around to look for me as well. WE COMPLETELY MISSED EACH OTHER OTL

    HAHA so I got traumatized for life. Didn't dare to use my ATM card for a few months. Even now I still remember this every time I withdraw money lolol. Looking back, why was my card stucked? Did I put it wrongly? NOPE. I AM JUST THAT UNLUCKY *facepalm*

    Well, if you survived till the end of this post, hope you enjoy laughing your guts out >_<


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