

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Series of unfortunate events- ball games

Yayy first blog post! I started this blog cuz my best friend wanted me to heh.. and cuz I wanna keep track of my memories so that I can look back and laugh at myself next time XP

Well on with the proper blog post. After the stress of A' levels, I stopped exercising completely. No compulsory PE session in my schedule so I've been basically living like a pig:
         Brunch -> seat on a chair work -> dinner-> more computer work -> sleep. Repeat.

HAHA no more exercise in that loop. So I was very happy when my colleagues wanted to plan a badminton meeting in March. So this is how the plan went.
  • March- Supposed to have a badminton meeting but it was postponed cuz too little people joining. So we change to a mini Badminton meet-up among the part-timers on labour day
  • Labour day- one person couldn't attend so it was cancelled T_T 
So i was like "never mind. There's my best buddy Angela. I can still play some squash/badminton with her:)" We went with squash in the end so that we can play in a proper court. On the actual day, I prepared everything- the booking of the court, the squash racket. Then I happily met Angela for lunch. When we were back from lunch, ready to get some action, we had the location, the rackets
 BUT NOT THE BALL! I forgot to buy the ball!!!

Me: "No worries. We played squash last time right? there must be the ball here somewhere in my house.."
Angela: " -.- The squash ball stucked in the squash court ceiling"
Me: (suddenly flashback the unfateful scene where I accidentally hit the squash ball vertically upwards, straight into the ceiling lights, causing our squash plan to be cut short) OTL

HAHAHA yea... so we freaked out.
  1.  Badminton?  I guess we can play on the hill?!?! --- NO SHUTTLECOCK OTL
  2. Wii? indoor sports then.. I know one controller's spoilt but we can share the working controller... ----- SECOND CONTROLLER ALSO SPOILT


HAHA, so in the end we plucked in my laptop to the TV, then did some home workouts using youtube.
(4 minutes later)

we were as dead as this mouse over here HAHAHA
guess thats what you get for 1 year lack of exercising.

yea ended up doing what we always do - fangirl over shinee videos XD.. good times...

So thats the end of my series of unfortunate events. I'm meeting Angela up to play badminton, run 5km and do random exercises tomorrow. Lets hope nothing goes wrong. I will definitely get the shuttlecock this time!! :D

Till next time,
Jojo ^^

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