

Sunday 16 June 2013

First contact lens

I've been curious about how wearing contact lenses will feel like for awhile now. Especially since I still cant get used to wearing spectacles. It always feel like the world is slanted whenever I wear spectacles. Plus, I get so mentally drained (so zombie-ish) after wearing my spectacles for 3 hours. So I've only worn my specs in times of real need, like lectures or looking at street signs.

Life without specs
Gahhh its so irritating how I almost blind to street signs and direction signs. I can only see a blurry version and have to focus REALLL HARD just to see. Can you imagine taking out specs just to see the signs?? So malu hor.

You know how there are HD movies and stuff. Like you are paying for the high definition for movies. But there are times I forget to bring my specs... and without specs, I don't feel like I'm watching HD at all OTL

Another sad story: I was rushing to work once. Then usually I have to take 176 direct bus to work. As I was walking from my condo exit to the bus stop, I saw a blurry bus number "176". So I chiong like siao. Then as the bus come near 100m within my sight, the "176" turned out to be "970". ALAMAK. So embarrassing. Totally look like a random fool running after dunno what. So I had to act cool and pretend I was running for something else X.x

So I got tempted by the thought of wearing contact lens. Wanted to buy it with my bespectacled BFF.. but we were desperately finding dinner at Orchard for so long, all the optical shops closed :/ Ended up buying contact lenses at Malaysia (for half the price in Singapore YAYYY ^_^) Dunno why, my whole family, other than my sis, is not supportive of me wearing contact lenses :/ DO I SEEM SO UNRELIABLE THAT I CANT EVEN MAINTAIN MY OWN EYE HYGIENE :/ haizz who cares man, they won't even know I am wearing contact lenses for that matter. Contact lenses are transparent woots~~

Exasperation of putting on contact lenses
I waited 4 long days before I could meddle with my new contact lenses. Jiejie's boyfriend, Jovan, was giving his eye solution and eye cases to me. It took my sister 4 long days to remember to get it for me.. (Her dear sister's all forgotten now.. haizz XDXD lol)

So when I got it, I went into the toilet to try putting it on. I was so excited. I imagined it to be quite easy.
 "Just popping a concave shaped thingy in my eye right? Big deal.."
I shouldn't have underestimated this evil concave shaped lens. Ultimate evil packed into a tiny body. Arggg. Its so big and round... Can't seem to fit it into my small Asian eyeballs. When it's drenched with solution, the lens become all slacked and won't pop into its concaved shape. When its too dry, it won't come off my fingers. WHAT'S WITH YOU LENS! >:(

Never hated my eyelashes more. Just when I finally got the lens into its concaved shape, positioned nicely onto my index finger, my somewhat-long lashes had to crush it backs into its nua3 (slack) shape. ARGGG I didn't know that I spent 1-2 hours in the toilet till my aunt said that she had to use the toilet. Golly. So after a LONGGG time, by some freaking awesome luck, mr lens decided to spare me and go into my eye :) YAYYY

It's so awesome. For a moment I actually thought that I dropped the contact lens cuz it wasn't on my finger, wasn't below my lower lashes or anywhere. I stared into the mirror intensely trying to see if the lens got in. But its so transparent I wasn't really sure. Then I tried looking far... FREAKING PERFECT VISION. Awesomeness!! Barely felt like there was anything in my eye. Barely felt any sort of difference. Only relived my glory days of having perfect eyesight :)))))) BEST MOMENT EVER WOOTS

Looking forward to having Mr Lens visit my eyeballs again,

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