

Sunday 23 June 2013

Med Checkup + Photoshoot day

I had a pretty mad day on the 20th.

In the morning, I went to meet my colleagues, PE and Jen, at BPP macs in hopes of  hunting down more ugly duckling hello kitties. It was only 11am...but the kitties were sold out. Woah. The length people go to to collect Hello Kitty 0.0 I'm actually quite surprised my sister manage to get hers in the morning. She was sleeping so soundly when everyone was up at midnight queuing for hours for the kitties. Sidetracked. So it was out of stock at Bukit Panjang Plaza, so we went to the Macs at Fajar. Kitties were gone as well :/ Then my crazy, my-life-is-all-about-kitties colleague PE got news that there were still kitties at CCK. So he suggested going to CCK's macs to check if there are kitties. And it ended up as a wild goose chase T_T

After all that travelling, I had to go back home to bathe (Need to spam makeup and tidy my hair for the photoshoot at night kekeke) It was a dumb idea for me to leave my bag, which was equipped with the photoshoot outfits and med checkup stuff, at home. I should have done my makeup and brought it all out in the morning :/ Then I wouldn't had to go back and front XD so dumb.. arg.. ended up being somewhat late for my meeting with Angela XD Lucky Angela's father offered to pick me up at Lakeside before travelling to pick up Angela from work.

There was a few moments of awkwardness in the car with just me and Angela's parents. LOL. We only exchange a few words about the haze. Then I went back to candy crushing. HAHA thank god there is candy crush for moments like this lol.

Med Checkup
There was this height and weight section. Unfortunately, the super-oblivious me did not realise that there was this screen at the side of the machine for me to look at to check out what is my new height and weight. So I still dunno if I am still 153cm >:( If only I had mad growing genes like Angela..

Then there was the eye test. Next, we had to go into one doctor's room to do blood pressure test, colour test and stretch mark test?! LOL the MALE doctor asked me to leave up my shirt so that he can check for stretch marks... (Weird.. cuz Angela didn't had this test..)

After which, I had to do this very uncomfortable urine test. Good thing I could pee at will LOL. However, the uncomfortable and awkward part was trying to put the pee into the cup... then washing the pee away.. hmmmmm. Good for the nurses cuz they didn't have to touch the cup at all. All they need to do is see the indicator.

Finally, I went for the X-Ray. The person got us to strip out of our shirt and bra to change into some blue disposable shirt lol. I felt strangely exposed though I was perfectly covered XD Maybe its just me >~<


Angela and I in X-ray clothes

Haha that concludes the medical checkup. Angela and I went up and down the lift a few things trying to camwhore with our masks lol. There was this awkward moment when some random guy came into the lift at level 3 to go to level 1. We just pretended nothing happen and wait for him to go out before taking the lift back up to level 3 again lol. The guy must have had a "HUH?! Why are they going back up" moment

Got this epic funny shot. HAHAHA ANGELA'S EPIC FACE!

Photoshoot at Cheez Studios
It had been a frantic 30 minutes. When we entered we were just spamming concealer. Poor Angela didn't know how to draw eyeliner. I drew it on for her but her eye kept twitching so the line was abit uneven. But no one knows. haha from far it looks fine :#

It was like a wonderland inside. So many things to play with. There was this poop toy, chalk board, chains, bunny hairband, angel-devil clips, buncha cool hats. Angela and I bought 3 sets of clothes each (We wanted to do a glam shot, nerd shot and black and white shot) In the end we only had time to do a somewhat-glam? shot and nerd shot (We are already nerds to begin with. wasn't that hard LOL XD)

I don't know how people do perfect jump shots. Angela and I did it a gazillion times but all failed pretty bad. HOW DO YOU GET THE NICE FLOWY HAIR EFFECT and the controlled face and the perfect body pose?! IMPOSSIBLE. The hair just go all out of place. Legs don't go where you want it to be. Face end up looking pretty forced/ deranged. [Super ROFL-ing when I scroll through our fail jump shots LOLOL]

 For my sanity, I'll just share this jump shot. Its the best out of all the failed one. You can imagine how bad the rest are X.x

It's not just the jumps shots... The standing up poses were pretty awkward as well @_@ The action's all up in the face but the legs part looks so bleh. I have an all new respect for models who can work awkward poses. It was quite sad that we couldn't adjust the lighting angle. That basically meant that we HAD to do full length shots. We tried doing upper body shots but this was what we got...

Sad. We ended up sitting down to do glam shots. AND YOU KNOW WHAT? IT ACTUALLY WORKED LOL.

Not model-awesome, but still pretty awesome for amateurs kekeke \^0^/

My verdict? The photoshoot at Cheez Studio was definitely fun. Well there are extremely strict on the 30 minutes though. Just nice 30 mins, no more no less, even if you report earlier. We may not have gotta alot of good pictures, but the experience was definitely worth it. Thinking back makes it even funnier.

Adolescent desire to attempt being a model: Checked :) HAHAHA

Peace out,

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