

Tuesday 25 June 2013

The awkward moment when u selfcam and failed..

Was feeling bored yesterday so I randomly looked through App Store and downloaded some photo wonder app. It's so cool now I could make my eye super big and face super slim. Played with a for a few hours. Was so engrossed in it that I missed my bus stop 2 times!! XD

I uploaded what I thought was my best edits to Facebook and whatsapp. The next morning I woke up with huge response to my new whatsapp display picture. My colleague Jen told me she got a big scare from my recognizable whatsapp picture.

Told me to change my display picture immediately. ahhhh so paiseh!! x.x My BFF also said it was incredibly zilian..(>人<;)

Haaaaa... I'm not meant for self-cam. OTL I'll stick to cartoon/ background display pictures heh. 

Noobster at self-cam,

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