

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Monster University

**Warning: Contains movie spoiler... and may be quite emo >.< **

I went to watch Monster University today~! I watched it with my good old colleague, PE. At first its supposed to be with Jen as well... but she throw us aside to watch Monster U with her other friend T_T  Never mind.. its understandable... people have alot of friends... Not like me, so little friends:
  • Evil bro: " I can watch with my girlfriend, then why would I watch with you"
  • Sis - Already watched it with boyfriend
  • BFF - clashing offdays
  • Clique (s?) - clashing offdays
Haizz.. sometimes its sucks to have your off day on a weekday. There are so little people to hang out with.. Sucks to have siblings who are attached: They would have watched all possible good movies with their other half already -.- Otherwise, you have to third wheel during their movies..

Hahhhh.. Lucky i still somehow manage to watch it. YAY YAY YAY~~ So the movie was about Mike Wazowski's journey to become a scarer.

<<<< This cute one-eyed dude here is the main character Mike ^_^

Ever since a little kid, Mike aspired to be a scarer. He had a clear goal in mind: to get into monster U, learn to scare and be the best scarer ever. (Naively simple plan lol) Mike studied studiously with unwavering determination to be a good scarer. However, everyone thought Mike was too adorable to be a successful scarer. Eventually Mike got kicked out of the scaring course because he was deemed unfit for it. He did not look scary enough.

I could totally related to Mike. I remember when I was just like him way back in primary school. I was fixated on being a doctor. I loved studying and never really felt burdened by it for I knew it was the right path towards my Medicine career. I loved every Science lesson, enjoyed the feeling of understanding more about chemical reactions, human anatomy. I was just like Mike. I did all I had to to attain my dream. Study hard, get good grades, get into med school. That was what fueled me those past years.

(If you read my previous post you would know) Then A levels came. Poor exam technique and exam nerves got to me. Subsequently, my lacking A' result determined that I was unsuitable for the Medicine course..I didn't even get my chance to prove myself in the interview... #life's regret
Haizz so I had to change my direction in life like what Mike did. Like Mike, I feel like I lost all the joy/momentum to studying. Dreading my soon-to-be university life in Accountancy course. So many uncertainties....

In the movie, Mike did not end up as a scarer, but something else that maximised his true capabilities. He found something else that he both found interest in and could excel in. So I'm thinking I should give accountancy a chance. I'll give accountancy my best shot. I guess a part of growing up is to accept that there are times you can't get what you want. Let's hope I can find my new talents in Uni life XP Then maybe I'll get my happy career ending like Mike. YEA!

70% Dread, 30% Excitement for a new chapter of my life- Uni,

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