

Thursday 4 July 2013

Ekiden Run Registration

A couple of weeks ago, my big sister coerced me to sign up for the Standard Chartered Ekiden 42km Relay Run on 1st December. I must be crazy to sign up for this. Each relay team has 6 members so one person would have to run SEVEN FREAKING KILOMETRES. I barely survived the Nike 5km run... The things I do for my sis...haiz

Today was the registration day and they needed 2 team leaders to go down to register for the 2 relay teams. Since all my sister's friend had to go work, Jovan (my sis' boyfriend) and I were the only ones who are free enough to go queue. So my sister made me go to the registration with Jovan. The registration starts at 11am but we had to start travelling at 7am. Apparently this Ekiden category is super popular. Last night I slept at 2am++ so I barely had 5hours of sleep...Totally felt like a zombie.. I haven't woke up so early for awhile now...

We had to take bus to marina bay and walk quite a distance before we reached the registration point. Jovan's legs were super long so his strides = my speedwalk/jogging speed. I was super tired after walking all the way there lol (so unfit hor >.<) When we reached the registration point, there was already a long queue. There were even people who started queueing the previous MORNING and camped overnight. Unbelievable, its almost hello-kitty-craze level of kiasu queuing.

<< This was how packed the queue was

Awesome Jovan used his wide network of friends to help us cut queue lollll. Apparently there was some white polo shirt guy that was giving Jovan the evil eye. However I was too tired to notice. I just sat down immediately and try to fall back into sleep. I kept rotating several uncomfortable positions
  •  Hug the queue divder's metal pole thing and sleep
  • Lean my head on the metal pole
  • Mediating position (but with my head hanging in all different positions)
  • Sitting position but using my legs was pillow
It was just super uncomfortable. Since we cut queue, we had to share a small space with the other one person. So there wasn't much stretching space either X.x Also, I didn't eat my breakfast so I was feeling cold and hungry. I had to suffer through my hunger and try to go into hibernation mode XD

One epic thing is: Jovan and I barely talked to each other. We only exchanged essential phrases like "lets go" "Hungry.. eat where" "We go same counter register?" Basically I can count the sentences we exchanged with my fingers and toes. AWKWARDDDDD. At first I was just too sleepy too talk. Then after when I was awake, there was nothing to talk about. I tried discussing with him about our Hong Kong Trip plans. It failed.. the discussion didn't really work lol. It went something like this:
" How ah, should we go disneyland or ocean park for our Hong Kong Trip?"
"Dunno leh.. etc etc"
"Aiya lets go with what jiejie wants. I anything"
 I thought about prying about their relationship but I didn't had the guts to go that heart-to-heart talk. Hahhhhh OTL.

Then when we were eating at Thai Express, the only words we exchanged were "wa very nice, you want try" Then to survive through the silence, I took out my phone to watch Youtube! LOL. HAHA EPIC FAIL. Guess it doesn't work when my sis is not around to bridge the gap. When jiejie is there, then we have things to talk about 0.o I make a bad sister-in-law.

Ever so awkward,

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