

Tuesday 4 August 2015

My rollercoaster journey with my CCA

Yea, I rarely have so much free time to travel down the memory lane.. So, I shall make use of it and start penning down my journey with my CCA, En. (I'm spelling it funny so that my blog can remain hidden)
The very first time
I remember back in my freshmen years, Ange and I were looking for a business CCA and a fun volunteering CCA where we can go our oversea CIPs etc. Maybe its fate, because we came across En. actus. It was a brilliant mix of both gaining business experience and making a difference! I immediately pulled Ange to join it with me.

Initially, Ange and I wanted to go into the same project. So we both chose to join the most successful projects (GG-a cooking academy and BWL-the cookie project). At that moment, the cooking aspect of those two projects seems cool and interesting. Unfortunately, the most romeo-and-juliet thing happened because Angela got into BWL while I did not. The BWL leader redirected me to another project, SIC ( a project for senior citizens) since my experience in organising programs for the elderly made me a better fit for that project. I remember being very sad that day. I read through SIC's business idea and only felt confused. I was in a dilemma. Should I join this project whose vision I can't seem to understand? I also wanted to diversify my volunteering portfolio to work with other types of beneficiaries. But, I know I can offer more at SIC. In the end, I went with the flow of nature and gave this opportunity a chance. (I guess the movie "Yes-man" changed my perspective of life abit that particular year)

As a member 
Initially, it was very scary. They had a whole dropbox database of past research, business tools, business plans. It took me one whole month to understand the business model and develop my passion towards it. I diligently attended every FF workshop to build up my business basics. I remembered how every FF workshop would drain my brain because it was so intensive. At the same time, it was really fun because sometimes we learn using games. Nothing like games to engage my competitive side :3

So as a member, I did what all members did- follow instructions. I met every deadline, played my part by brainstorming ideas, put my little mark on the final product. The vision of creating a better world for aging always pushed me on, despite the fact that I felt lost. Team meetings were rare, the work was fairly independent, there were many part of the project that I did not understand. I was only in charge of a few segments. However, I always felt reinspired whenever the team leader sent a consolidated slide to show the compilation of what everyone did. That somehow kept me going on.

On hindsight, I should have taken more initiative to ask and understand the project better. I should have made it a point to meet team members and connecting with them. Project dynamics would be so much better if there were people who just took the initiative huh.

As a Project Leader
Fate has led me to the position as a project leader. Although I was afraid, the fire in me wanted to take up that challenge. That means I could make use of my experience to make improvements, I could make a more inclusive culture, I could make it an easier journey for freshies.

I worked closely with the ex-leader to strategise the plan for the next semester. I even have 2 weeks of intensive training under her so that I can learn all I need to know to manage the project - the workings behind the financial projects, how to make professional slides, key research findings to support the business idea. The learning curve was huge! I remember feeling very excited for the first 3 months. It was such an awesome feeling understanding every part of the project, almost like managing my own business! I had so many ideas- a channel to facilitate the sharing of idea, more communication channels with members, splitting into a departmental structure so that we can be more efficient. I built a trusted core team of department leaders. They were friends I cherished to stay by my side to push the project forward. I must have been too optimistic.

Idealization is always easier than implementation. Upon implementing our pilot test, we faced multiple challenges (mainly communication friction between us and the VWO partner) Some of our business assumptions were disproved. The dis-commitment of some members was demotivating my department leaders. We all tried hard to pulled everything together. My department leaders eventually left to due to other heavy CCA commitments/ exchange plans. That was when I slip into what-i-call "my period of depression". My close friends in the team all left. I was all alone as a leader, dragging everyone along.  I am so excited about the prospects of the project but it seems new members did not understand that (just like how i was when i was a freshie). With some key assumptions disproven, I had to think of another revenue stream (solution) fast.

My learning points: 
1. Always recruit members who can commit
2. Accept that people leave. There is a natural attrition rate for all companies. It's the best

3. Never solve everything alone because members do want to be included. They have brilliant ideas too
4. Never start too big. A bigger team can move faster but it is also alot harder to manage. A lack of bond between all of them breaks the team

I definitely learnt much more about project team management and grew up fast. Looking back, this period of depression is almost necessary! I must have failed to learn. James always did say "it is better to fail in university than later in life". 

When there is darkness, there is light
I was never truly alone in my journey. I just did not look for help. En. actus had many mentors. Under the guidance of a super awesome mentor Mr D, I found my direction. Mr D linked me to many other mentors who helped be look at the finances, brainstorming of new ideas. I figured that we had to break our big enterprise idea down to smaller achievable pieces first. The next semester, I took a different approach. Together with the Happiness 101 module I took in school, I stepped out from my sad days. I no longer see problems or failure or inadequacy. I see my own potential. I see possibilities.

I made compulsory weekly meetings. I involved all members in brainstorming and problem-solving. I tried very hard to bond the members. Brainstorming was definitely fun for me. To be able to pen down my vision and dream. We always did get stuck at implementation... Definitely a challenge

World Cup Competition
I think the competition was one of the most iconic moment of my life. It was the moment when I learnt to shine with confidence on stage and present our projects with passion. Going to Beijing (fully sponsered :D), opened my eyes. I saw teams from other countries with such high level of energy. I saw simple ideas come to life, impacting thousands of people. We can really make a difference if we believe and push through!

HAHA i still remember how me and the powerpuff team burnt a towel at the hotel! we even had a heart-to-heart talk on our dreams and how we can make the CCA better.

The opportunity to become EXCO  
With all that I have learnt, with all those problems I faced, I decided to try for EXCO so that I can work directly with headquarter to make it more smooth-sailing for all projects. Time to take up a brand new challenge as project VP. SIC will always be my baby project but its time to trust the new blood to take it to new heights while I take a supervisory role. I am so excited to be a project VP right now. A month in this role, I have already expanded my horizons. I hope that I can really make a difference and create a platform where ideas come to life. I hope that I can build an inclusive club with a good development track so that members will learn to love as much as I do <3

Lucky this time round, I have a mentor attached to me to mentor me on my personal leadership development :)

*cross fingers* I hope this time round, my trusted EXCO team will be able to match my enthusiasm and together, we can push the CCA to new heights. I definitely have a good feeling about the year ahead!


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