

Sunday 9 August 2015

My Jubilee Weekend

Here I list down my SG50 Conquers:

1. Free Science Centre visit to relive my geeky memories
Too bad all our favourite "forces" exhibit got removed already... but, I don't know why Ange didn't find this fun. It was super fun for me looking at flower reproductive systems, finding a komono dragon, watching the tesla coil experiment, seeing the new exhibit to learn abt the awesomeness of air pressure. Just being surrounded by science makes me happy!

2. Reconnecting with old buddies
We met up with several old buddies during this holidays- the japanese class clique, our favourite buddy Ms SX, the looks-scary-but-is-friendly guy Mr J.

Ange and I, we are such terrible friends because we forgot Ms SX's 21st birthday and she was our very cherished friend back in our secondary 1-2 days. So we made up for it by treating Ms SX and awesome korean BBQ. During the BBQ, we chit chatted and we found out that SX turned out to be an amazing person (and a fellow INTJ!!). I hereby award her best intern since she turned around a boring photocopying/admin internship into one whereby she self-learn advanced excel programming to improve the company's IT system. Such an inspiration:) we spent some quality time searching for my new shoes. I made some compromises and found an awesome replacement. It was the most hectic shopping experience though. I was dragging my feet along the whole mall because my flats broke that fateful day. I don't know why my shoes keep breaking on me. Is there some sort of shoe rebellion going on?! :0

3. Video filming for World Cup
I got to act as a student learning how to guide a visually impaired. So I had an impromptu lesson learning how to show them where to sit. Being the VP, I handled the (unplanned) interview with the beneficiary. (We needed an interview so that we have sufficient voice clips for our video). I felt abit awkward when the beneficiary was sharing about her difficult past. I almost saw tears welling up but I did not know how to comfort her. I just felt that she was really brave. I wanted to give her a pat but my seating position  prevented me from doing so. So I just awkwardly repeat "good job". It is very difficult to convey feelings of empathy when you can't look her in the eye and signal her "wowwww". You actually have to say such touchy feely stuff! #shy

P.S we also had an amazing coincidence meeting francis, our secondary school idol, at scape (because of how multitalented he is) it took us I think 30mins to figure out its really him. We kept thinking he was just a look alike!

4.Attempted visiting Artscience musuem
The queue for the artscience museum was fantabulous. It was a shocking 3 hours long wait. Ange and I were quite surprised that so many other Singaporeans continued queuing. Seriously... most Singaporeans really love queuing huh!

I made a wrong strategic move by inviting my friends to go artscience museum. I just assumed most people aren't as geeky. Apparently not, because there was alot of hype happening at marina bay at night and the only other activity around the area was... the artscience museum! In the end, we only got to see the museum from the outside...Hahahaha! Before that, we actually spent 2hrs waiting for HC because poor HC had an unfortunate episode of being unable to contact/find us. 

While waiting, ange and i had a hilarious conversation with Mr J. Its quite funny because of how Mr J respond to my pokes. And... how i misunderstood the word "bash" - he meant it as "go to this party la if u bored" while I interpreted it as "oh I have permission to bash u with truth questions!!" Most fail moment of my life. Ange and I laughed at that for a good 10 minutes. 

So by the time hc finally found us, Hc yeye and ange mama was in super low spirits. Like the sun was sucking out that spirits. I literally had to drag them along the marina bay memory lane, where they put number 1-50 exhibits. I wanted to find all of them but yeye and mama was too shag to match my child-like enthusiasm.  Guess what, they finally found their enthusiasm after i treat them to dinner -.-  hahahaha too bad the introvert in me died right about dinner time.

Oh yea, it really interesting eating with HC because it was the very first time I went into a restaurant, rest my feet, flip through the menu, find it too pricey with nothing good eating AND JUST LEFT! We were so badass when we walked out of pizza hut with the menus left on the table and plain water undranked. Ended up at senswen which chalked up to a $90 bill T.T

We ended the day in a really funny way - we did the mean girls thing and started grading men on their looks during our journey back home. It was hilarious!!

5. Watching the actual NDP at the Floating Platform
My family and i went down 1hr early. So we had a good sauna at the floating bay (aka enduring the sweltering heat and sweating all over the seats! I was even hotter because of my cool red jacket that insulates heat. But what the heck, sacrifices for FASHION and SG50!)

The actual performance was so much better than watching it from TV. TV just cannot show all the lighting effects..  I had a fun time challenging myself to video down the fireworks (since they always come out very suddenly) I was so high that I just spammed videos and picture to every possible group chat or close friend I could easily access to via whatapp hahaha.

I love all the original ndp songs! It's been awhile since ndp sang all the originals. Seeing JJ Lin and Stephanie Sun made me so happy! They were my childhood heroes <3

6. Going around singapore to use up NDP freebies coupons
So today, I am spending the day with Ange to use up the NDP coupons. Hopefully we can make our appointments for the beauty treatments free trials successfully :P

I spent way too much money these few days.. its clocking up to $150 :0 but.... Best NDP ever!!


P.s I will try to update the photo slideshow on my blog with my ndp adventures keke

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