

Monday 10 August 2015

From a girl to a woman

The 21st year of our existence marks the tough transition from a kid to an adult. Especially for a girl, there are some uncomfortable truths we have to deal with. For one, the fact that your looks have become very important. Talking with some guy friends, I realise we aren't in my ideal fantasy land anymore, where people are non-judgemental and see you for your content rather than your looks. Unfortunately, for a female, looks is one of the criteria the society judges us with. Prim and polished definitely defines a lady more than messy hair, acne active skin or a less than ideal BMI. (I dont think we can use the im-still-a-kid excuse for that anymore when the work world in just inches away from you)

Looks equals first impression. A pimpled up face spoils that precious impression. It also means that you have to go through much trouble putting makeup as you go into the work force... because I'm lazy, I rather have good skin to reduce steps in the makeup regime XD Of course the fact that my mum is more concerned of my self management issues (on skincare and eating habits) is quite indicative..that I should start to do the same.

With that refound resolution of improving my self management, I listened to my mum and used the ndp free trial promotions for a free session of weight loss and skincare. Haha yay kiasu Singaporeans! ! I thought it's free and fun and beneficial so why not ^_^

So I shall share about my adventures into the adult world of accelerated self management services.. Definitely not a bed of roses! Pretty much just shows that all women is freaking awesome for having to go through this or something similar.  The things women do to look beautiful.... why do I have to go through these motions too... :/ #hardtruths

Achievement unlocked: Weight loss Programme
Details blogged by angela so I shall quickly describe it and share more if my thoughts

- Steam bath: I can't seem to tolerate putting the hot stinky towel (which is drenched with sweat after awhile) on my face. So I ended up being suffocated by the hot steam. I learnt where the term "beads of perspiration" came from... I swear thousands of sweat beads popped out from my skin. And came streaming down my back. I definitely have no perserverence to sit in there like a steamed pig doing nothing but feel the burn and soak in the smell of the stinky stenched up sauna room. This procedure may be an substitute for intense exercise but not for me! It has just increased my motivation to exercise!  Exercising is so much more fun and relaxing.

- Hot blanket: it was all good. The cold air on your face contrasting the warmth of the blacket... just like how you like your waffles with icecream.... until the last 5mins of hell. I don't know how angela don't squirm or WRIGGLE. My spine was on fire. 1 min till the end (of course it seemed like it would never end) I reached out to call the person so that I can end my misery. Luckily, it was just nice, the time to stop! Right after that, I was feeling SOOOO light headed. My heart was palpitating and my head felt like it was floating in the sky.. like right after a 10km marathon. I definitely cringe at any mention of reliving that scorching hot roasting and the mental exhaustion I went through. Haha I should also mention how we terrorised people with our harmonising to get over the choked feeling. I can't help feeling that we've ruined the strict vibe of the place with how we (I) treat the place like an amusement park... ops

- the best and most expensive fat electrocution treatment: the best out of the three. It was so comfortable I almost fell asleep. I actually entertained the  thought of buying this one.... until the weight loss result was only 0.4kg..

My verdict: weight loss management programme is for the strong hearted and awesome women with high perseverence for physical grilling. For me, exercising is so much better. Chill and fun.

Achievement unlocked: Facial treatment
Actually the free trial facial treatment was pretty awesome. We got a collagen treatment which is worth $300, for free. My mum said my skin looked smoother.. so I guess it worked. I just thought it looked brighter hahaha.

There was very few poking but they did warn us about that. It is because the first time our skin is hard, making it more painful if we force poke (they use needle like tools to unclog the pores. So yes, poking is involved) I remember the very first time I went facial... omg the person poked me 100 times on the T zone, cheeks and pretty much everywhere light can reflect off the face. The fist-clenching horror.

Most women I know goes through this annual/semi annual/monthly facial (such a nice word for face poking..) how do people do it monthly is a freaking miracle.

So I ended up getting a skin care treatment package since I have to do facial at least once a year. So might as well feel the pain as my money fly to increase my resolve to manage my skin. So mafan.. but what the hell..

P.s to guys: skincare is more than just cleansing to girls. Cleansing never work. I cleanse...but still acne! No... some girls go through the full motion. Cleanse, tone, moisturise, whitening, sunblock.

It was definitely the most awesome girls-day out. Other than these 2 treatment, our meals were discounted too!! Thanks to ndp coupons Keke.

Can't bear to not be a kid anymore,

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