

Friday 12 July 2013

Ear trauma

Right now my eyes are swollen and I'm half deaf. Thank god the painkiller's kicking in. Just a moment ago, my ear was buzzing with pain, like little lightning bolts in my left ear. How did this misery started?

Two nights ago, I had water stuck in my left ear after bathing. So I used several cotton buds to try to dig out the water and ear wax. I dug and dug but it only got worse. Instead of just having water stuck in my ear, there was this zapping pain in my ear. It almost felt like I dug a hole in my ear drum. Throughout the night I was flipping left and right, unable to fall asleep due to the constant pain in my left ear. I got up a few times to get more cotton bud to dig my ears, hoping the pain would stop if I dig the right spot. Of course, I never found the right spot... Annoyed and exhausted, I then blasted songs into my left ear to TUNE the pain out (see the pun it did there? XD)

I somehow manage to a few hours of light sleep (of course I could still feel the pain in my left ears) then in the morning, I whined to my sis lifelessly.

"My ears hurt alot. I could barely sleep last night T.T"

Then my sis suggested that I visit the family doctor immediately. Off I went. In the doctor's room, dr. Ong used a big syringe to flush water into my left ear. He was trying to wash the wax out. Meanwhile, I was cringing and crying controllably in pain. Then he told me the wax is stucked deep DEEEEPPP down my ear and that I have dug my ear so hard that my ear canal became swollen. After several failed attempts of forcing the the wax out, he took this needle-like metal thingy to try to pick the wax out. But it only caused me more pain. Eventually dr Ong sympathize with my pain and told me to come back another day. He gave me medicine to reduce the swell in my ears. On my way home, I was crying like a mad dog. Tears just kept falling. I couldn't take the painkillers cuz I had to take the antibiotics 30mins before a meal, then the painkillers after the meal. So in that slow and torturous 30mins, I was wincing and crying in pain. (Thank god no one was at home to witness this hohoho)

So the second night, I could sleep way way better with the help of the painkillers. I had to wake up at early morning ( I'm thinking I was around 5am?) just to eat the painkiller as the pain was starting to kick in again. So the second time I went to dr Ong, he used a different machine- this air sucker thingy. Did not work-.- then he went back to using the water flushing machine. Worked abit. Some chucks of wax came out but the main body of wax wasn't out yet. Darn you sticky sticky wax! This time the treatment didn't hurt that much but I was still cringing in fear. I mean there's someone constantly poking things in your ear, a very sensitive organ. Duh I will cringe.

Sadly, I have to go back for treatment again, after one week. (NOOOOOOOooooo!! Not the ear poking equipment in my ears again?!?!) I have to apply some wax softening ear drops for a week. This means I would be Jocelyn the deafy for a week. Good thing is I do less work trying to tune out my aunt's nagging (nagging that repeats every single day). Hahaha:P

Hoping the 3rd treatment will be the last,

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