

Friday 16 August 2013

My thoughts on Uni Life

Its been 2 crazy weeks at Uni. So many things happen this past month: Hong Kong trip, batam trip, Scooby Doo sleepover, orientation week. It's late so I shall just do a short update.
  • Scooby Doo Sleepover: we camped at a senior's terrace. The place was fanta-bulous! It has a karaoke room, equipped with fridge and soundproof walls etc. So during the sleepover, we had heart-to-heart talks, boardgames and karaoke session. There are some really dope singers in my group. They keep singing chinese songs and english songs that I have never heard before... it seems like none of them sing kpop/ taylor swift kinda songs so I was just there random singing along to songs I barely know. Then throughout the sleepover, my camp mates keep pushing me to Xiuqi (the buddy I made from Soul Funky Orientation Camp. Somehow we got rumored together just because Xiuqi was doing gentlemanly things to me:/ ) Its quite sad when my camp mates only talk to me about Xiuqi related stuff.. "you and xq together yet?" "eh xq not here?" "how you find xq". OTL just when I got out from my life of rumors in secondary and JC...

  • Orientation week: Uni life is extremely spontaneous and hard to keep track of. My camp mates can just suddenly meet each other for lunch/dinner/dance session all of the sudden. They can arrange to meet at 7pm for dance session, but start only at 10pm. There is nothing that is "fixed". Meetings can be suddenly cancelled/ postponed/ set up. Venues can change in just a text. Its so hard to keep track of everything >_< I spontaneously crashed at my friends' hall 2 times because our meeting ended after midnight as it's costly/difficult to get a cab. Luckily, my friends are generous with their clothes and soap and stuff XD I used to be envious of people can get to stay in hall. However, after 2 nights of hall-crashing, I think I like my home better. It's bad that my home is 1hr15mins right from school and its super inconvenient to get back home. But when I lie of my soft soft bed and get access to my fridge, I just suddenly feel glad that I didn't sign up for hall life. Hall life seems quite intensive. It's hard to feel as sanctuary-like  as home is to me

  •  Meeting new people: I'm ever awkward about meeting new people. It's hard to find people with similar interests and people to 'clique' with. Especially, since I am so reserved, I am unable to find topics to talk about with new people. It's like forcing my brain to think "TOPIC?!? WHAT TO TALK ABOUT?!" Its different with friends you have already accustomed to.. you can just talk about anything. There are times when people complain to be about things, and I would feel lost about how to respond. I've been getting alot of feedback that I have zero EQ ;( I suddenly feel like an alien. I would process conversations differently from others. Sometimes I wouldn't even understand conversations. There seems to be something wired wrongly with my brain. Conclusion: I'm not good at listening. Definitely better at seeing things and replying to them. When I see words, I least I have few minutes to process it, then generate a reply (so robotish right..) I am definitely a victim of SMS technology X.x ever an awkward turtle...

  • Frequently lost in school. Why is NTU campus map so vague?!?! the ntu map app is also difficult to use. Sometimes I would just lose connection:/

  • Lost my NRIC 0.o Hope I can find it by the end of this month, else I would have to pay $100 for a replacement!!! T_T I swear my memory is getting worse everyday. Days just zoom by.. I'm losing track of what happened yesterday, during my batam trip or during my HongKong trip. I'm struggling to remember when I took out my NRIC. When I was filing the report for losing my NRIC, there was this blank asking me to state where and when I lost my NRIC. I seriously couldn't remember... I've been to so many countries and places over the past weeks... So I just randomly stated a date and a place XD

  • Lessons: I can barely keep up with the lessons. The project work, assignment and tutorial homework I get seem to be unrelated to whatever I learnt T.T I must start hugging my textbook already.  There was this homework where I have to relate an article about plates-clearing policy to a random art piece given. Lucky I have an art friend from camp to give me her creative input! Else I think my weak left brain would not have thought of anything productive. Good to have friends :)

    This post isn't so short after all... ops.. I kept all of the things quite brief already though XD I apologise for any typos or grammer errors. Too tireddddd

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