

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Taiwan Explores Day 14- The 12 degree weather

It's was the coldest day ever on Wednesday. Really cold. I was dumb enough to wear a green pants tt doesn't cover my ankles:/ result: freezing ankles. I would sit down random to rub my ankles at certain times of the day lol

Which reminds me, there was a time I was helping to marinate the fish. When I see them do it, it seemed so easy. Until I touched the fish...


After marinating around 10fishes, my fingers went purplish from cold. Meanwhile the autistic adult Im helping was just nonchalantly grabbing more fish to marinate. Jjang! She even like held on to the fish throughout the whole thing. I had to put them in a basin to minimize contact with the icy fish... Brrr

Back to main story. So Wednesday was so cold, that putting my hands in icy water actually felt shuang. I was helping to wash the vegetables. When ever my hand came out of the water, I would feel cold wind pricking my skin. It's so unbearable I had to stick my hand back into the icy water, which felt warm in comparison. Lols 

Ya, then we also had to wash the metal containers in the morning. It's the containers that contained Tuesday's lunch... It stinked so badly... When washing the dishes, we would have 3 stations. The first station to put soap on the dirty containers, the second to wash of the soap and re-scrub and the last to scrub again. And I somehow found myself standing in the first station-meaning I get the brunt of the smelly stinky containers and super dirty water eeks. It was the worst dish washing experience yet since it contained spoilt overnight food

But I was so glad I don't have to eat workplace food for dinner! My homestay mum brought me out to eat noodles, bubble tea and 鸡排:)

Oh ya, Wednesday happens to me the day when my just education colleagues celebrate Christmas in advance. It's also when we reveal the secret Santa. I was totally fooled by the evil bunch of them!! I was misled to think my secret Santa was from SIM university. In the end, my secret Santa was actually the uber big boss- my manager lizhen! Lizhen had amazing sense! She got me shinee bottle and notebook. Not just any shinee item but the one from their latest album~~~

It was a happy night for me cuz it got hot water in just 3-5minutes!! So it's true what my workplace friend said: it's best o bathe at 7-8pm.


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