

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Covered in band aids but still feeling so whole

Today, I was dying to try out my cool new patriotic look- red coat and red shoes. So, I wore them and went all to my enactus meeting with Samsung  solve-for-tomorrow people. Then, together with leanne, we proceeded to meet xianzhe to get me some legos.

On our way to lunch, I was walking down this uneven road. Suddenly, my heel got stuck in a drain (which has this HUGE, u-can-totally-put-ur-hand-through hole in it). Next thing I knew, I was in the OTL position.

I was completely gonna brush this klutziness off and walk to the lunch venue manly. What was so touching is how xianzhe and Leanne pulled me to the toilet to get me to wash the wound. I was completely fine with just that.

Then I found xianzhe gone. He had gone to find a big plaster for my wound. They couldn't find it in NTUC so we roamed around this old mall trying to find something for my wound. Their concern was so genuine that it even came down to- 

A. Taking a taxi to vivo immediately to get me the right medical supplies. But I did not want to make a big deal out of this wound so they
B. Brought me to a clinic. The clinic was closed so they
C. Brought  me to a dental clinic to ask for band aids. Then didnt seem to have it so... we went with
D. Buying scissors, then cutting the small plasters so that we can make a big plaster out of the small plasters.

After trying out option D, in the end the awesome nurses from the dental clinic found a cotton gauze and disinfectant for my wound. They contacted leanne. Everything worked out. Leanne band-aided me with her rather interesting art skills.. The band aid she plastered on me looked abit funny but well, they have already been such angels! Did I mention how xianzhe refused to accept my money for the plasters he had bought, and even gave the whole box to me? Seriously, he is the best of enactus ex-president! Pooh, whoever you are, please treasure him!

I am so glad I had gone to the Enactus booth on my very first day of university and made the decision to join Enactus. If I hadnt, I would not have met such caring Enactus members, such a good mentor (from this RLP program. A mentor, who is so non-judgemental about my low EQ) and such great friends (from case budz etc). Today, I could really feel how i found a new family. Well some family members in Enactus are weird and hard-to-get-along-with, but they are still family!

I never want to get off this part of the rollercoaster where everything is just so blissful and great,


P.s. Yes, I got me some dog legos. A new construction project ahead. Haha I'm so excited! It's a reminder of the real dog I want to get in the future. This fake dog shall accompany me.... for now.

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