

Friday 8 November 2013

Bad things just keep happening...

Seeing how I exceeded my data limit for the day, I shall conserve data by blogging instead of youtubing hahaha. So a post for u :)

Normally, November would be the best month for me, a month where everything is wonderful (since it's my bday month you see). However, this year, nothing is going right..

1. Big fat liar jiejie is at it again:/ first she guilt trip me into joining Ekiden relay marathon with her. (There was even a big drama about it) No joke, considering oresama has to run 7-10km, wake up as early at 5am just to run ._. Then.... she tell me that she is going on a cruise with Jovan instead and ask me to help find other people to cover for her. What the.. Still I got lucky enough as to find Peter who took up the offer:) so on! Heheh. Well I'll think about the awkwardness and ruined image another day

2. Almost got tricked to be a third wheel at Halloween USS by my evil colleague. Traumatized by the evilness of it._. Being a gooseberry for my sis and jovan is totally different from being a gooseberry with non-family. Just imagining the awkwardness scares me til this day 0.o hahaha pulling off being friendly with stranger? Yea sure. Pulling off being friendly while being a third wheel? That's abit.. I ended up not going to Halloween USS because there's no one to bring me there.. I'm abit disappointed. (I still remember the great liar jiejie saying she will bring me go with Jovan with her annual pass. She ended up going malaysia. Great..Guess that's never happening huh) 

Lesson of the century: always take whatever jiejie says with alot alot alot of salt. Countless examples of my feeling being cheated by her already. I just got used to it and can't remember it anymore. Life will never be the same now that jiejie has a whole new happily-ever-after life going on for her. So I just accept it. She happy, I happy hehe ;) as long as she still remembers our $100 birthday budget agreement, I'm good ^.^ teehee

Angela says I should be going Halloween USS with someone I love, so it's okay since i'll go there EVENTUALLY. But then, I'm just those kind of adventurous people that wanna just try different stuff immediately. So i ya.. sucks to have an epically small group of close friends.

3. With all the exam stress (well I'm supposed to be stressed by it), I thought I could finally have MY DAY with shinee at MBC music wave concert. It's on my very birthday you see.. Thennnn it got cancelled! No more seeing onew face. I was okay with onew's neck injury and just seeing him sing. BUT NOW, I'll not even be able to see himmmmm. NOOOOO T.T

Ahhhhh and there are some complication with the refund. Its realllllll reassuring when the organisation incharged says this -.- :

"Please also understand that SingTic is not liable for full refunds as stated in our terms of booking, and you shall seek remaining refund with the provisional liquidator appointed by Fatfish Entertainment."

And who knows if I have time to deal with all the pesky refund procedures. Already loaded with AIESEC interviewSSS (interview to get the 6weeks overseas project that I want), exam blurness, homework.. 

4. Thought I finally got away with doing a clinic session on human sexual reproduction with a MALE student. Then today, another male student wanted clinic for the same topic OTL 

Epic. Like I need to teach males about males anatomy. And the awkwardness of teaching them menstruation, fertilization and birth control. How does biology teachers do it @.@

Yea. I guess what I really what to say is: if only I didn't have all those false hopes, all those planned events. Then it wouldn't have matter to me if they didn't go well in the end. I wouldn't have tortured myself thinking how much better it would turn out if everything went the way it was supposed to. It's just immense disappointment due to the imbalance between expectations and reality. It's really just like how I finish my statistics quiz feeling confidence that I will score well since I could do all the question. However, in the end, I only could score 6 out of 10, not knowing what went wrong. Sucks. Big time.

That sums up the worse November I ever had. What a great first semester of uni ._. I never pictured it this way in the past. Always dreamt of the wonderful fun hall life, trying out tons of different CCAs. Guess that never happened due to well.. Financial limitations, rejections during CCA tryouts and lack of parental consent.  You gain some you lose some right. Things are just never THAT easy. At least I have my 6 weeks AIESEC overseas trip with the money I saved from not living in hall. 

Feeling slightly Down,

Well at least I can look forward to the 6 weeks oversea exploration trip after exams... With Angela (prays fervently)

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