

Monday 25 November 2013

The klutziest day ever

Yesterday, I went to the movies with Angela and Xiuqi. (It's really so that she can avoid a certain someone). 

So what happened before the movie what this.. The plan was to book the movie tickets online so that I can save the trouble (and 1hr's time) of having to travel back and forth from ntu to jp. So after I accompanied Angela to her Korean exam venue, i set off to lee wee nam library on the green campus rider. I was intending to book the tickets with the computers there. But the stats exam took its toll on me. I was feeling brain dead after the killer test.. Then I missed my stop at tct lecture hall :0 

I somehow ended up at pioneer mrt station... So I decided: "might as well go get the tickets in person already T.T" and since I was all the way at jp, I decided to make the trip more worthwhile by buying me some Sharetea. Usually, I would order ice cream cocoa lover (or at least the plain o' cocoa lover). But somehow I was feeling adventurous. So I wanted to try some of their recommended drinks. In my brain I was debating between Hokkaido milk tea or Okinawa milk tea. Then when I was my turn to order, I anyhow pointed at the menu and said I wanted 30% sugar.

I dunno what was wrong with me. Perhaps all common sense left me after that excruciatingly difficult stats test. I didn't even look at my queue number on the receipt, threw my receipt and left sharetea. It wasn't until I was going to go down the escalator that I realise I still don't have my drink. Then I went back to sharetea. Then everything came back to me: 

" crap! What was my queue number again?! Why did I throw my receipt?"

Luckily I recognized the person my brought the drink before me. So when she got her drinks, I knew it was my turn next. So I walked to the counter and said to the person "errrr is this Okinawa milk tea? I accidentally threw away my receipt"

Counter person: "huh?! But this is Hokkaido milk tea... What sugar level did you order"


"This is 30% also. Did u order Hokkaido milk tea or Okinawa milk tea? U mentioned the wrong tea just now."

" errr I'm not very sure leh. I decided to try a new drink so I can't really remember ._.III"

-end of a very embarrassing moment- 

The sharetea crew must have thought that I'm an idiot. 

2. I went back to biz lib in the end to study. When it was finally 7pm, I went to meet Angela at nanyang Audi (so that I can go find the green specs I lost at the exam hall. But that's another story) so when I finally walked from biz lib to nanyang Audi, I realised I left my jacket on the biz lib chair... ._. Then I had walked all the way back!!! T.T

3. After finally meeting Angela, we decided to take the green campus rider since its the nearest bus stop. Who knew the angsty bus driver won't open the front door. And there were too many people trying to get in, so we didn't manage to get onto the bus. After 20++ minutes of tragically missing 3 buses, we gave up. We changed bus stop and took 179 instead. In the end, we were 20mins late for the movie. 

4. The movie turn out to be something unexpected. It wasn't a happy ending kind of movie that Angela and I would have preferred. Some NC16 movie indeed...

Yep so that's the end of my epic day. Lolssss

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