

Monday 2 December 2013

The saddest Tuesday ever

A day like this, one day before my final exam paper, I would imagine myself at some library, mugging my brains away. In a COOL, RELAXING environment without anything else in mind other than the exams.

Well reality and expectations... They are never really on the same page. What better way to end off the final paper then to have to rush through your NRIC collection, VISA application, medical checkup the day before? Exhilarating right! -.- urggggghhhh

It's not cool how I can't feel a single moment of peace and calmness. My brain is like.... VISA PLS BE DONE BEFORE my flights takes off! Plus I'm still nerve-wrecked about how Angela and I already screwed up our medical checkup schedule. Now we have to get someone to collect the medical report for us and scan it over to us as we are overseas. TROUBLESOME SHIT :/

Doesn't help when my dad asks about it and nag at how it's not good to be chionging all of this rubbish before my exams.

" ya I know! I would prefer that too. It's just that there are inefficiencies up there in the program system I have no control over-.-" doesn't help when I still don't have my program acceptance letter now... When I'm supposed to have it 8hrs ago.. Taking HUGE amounts of risks right now.

-A panic attack soon to come-

Pray that I can keep calm,

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