

Sunday 12 January 2014

Taiwan Explores Day 37-40: The last shopping spurt

Friday was my last day of work woohoo! I told the teacher I wanted to take a group photo... but it never happened:/ they all left at 1pm for their dancing lessons so unfortunately... You see an empty photo as below
Yep this is my workplace. Goodbye kitchen.

I left at 2pm to rendezvous with Angela~~ we ended up at ximending to look for good cheap places to dye/perm our hair. Walked for a good hour and realised the prices were similar to Singapore's so we gave up on that plan and sticked to eating ah zhong mian xian. It tastes so awesome!!!! I wish I knew its secret recipe:/ On our way home, we saw this guy drawing caricatures. We were so totally amazing by the realism of his art pieces and how he made the eyes come to life. So the fulfilled Angela's caricatures dream by doing a BFF caricature. Costed us a bomb! Our 1000NT quickly depleted and we were too poor to do anything so we decided to go home. 

The super spontaneous me decided to just camp over at Angela's house for the sake of convenience. Since ximending was just a 15min ride to my homestay, I brought Angela to see how my homestay really looked like. She must have a scare when she was using the toilet. In fact she must been super shocked to see 哥哥half naked. He was walking around with just his underwear and (thankfully) long shirt._. Of all days.... This is frankly the first time I've seen it. Other days he wears a kimono 0.o we grabbed my stuff and set off to Angela's place

At night, I had another awesome hot shower~ nice to have a showerhead. I experience the "water-suddenly-turning-cold" phenomenon Angela talked about. Not a big deal compared to my homestay seriously. The cold water is not as cold as the water I use to wash veggies everyday. Tolerable.

Saturday was an epic slack off day. With less than $500NT combined wealth, we decided to just sleep and camp all day at Angela's homestay watching old Disney movies till its time for dinner. We played with huizhang's daughter for awhile. 

Relived the good old days of playing monopoly and uno. so long never play already man>~< i got second place in monopoly woots. After that, the very generous huizhang treat us to a Japanese grilled steamboat/ buffet place.  Haha I'm just leeching onto all the free good treats Angela gets hoho. Lucky im invited to it~~ 

By Sunday, we couldn't endure it any longer. So we withdraws another 1000NT to spend and went to the national science musuem. The 3D turbo ride was fun:3 I don't get why there were people screaming in fear though. It's not even real._. I sneaked some photos during the ride kekeke

Although overall was fun, most of the machines were broken so we were like "..." As we walked along the chemistry and physics exhibits, we thought 

"We were that smart in the past? OMG. All forgotten concepts le:/" haha good that we came to refresh our dying science brains.

At night we when Shilin to eat the awesome ah zhong mian xian again. We had to cancel our plan to go 年货街as we ran out of $$ sobs...

Ya so today (Monday), we are finally going back to Singapore!! By 8.15PM. Scooting BaCk back back BACK to Singapore~ 


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