

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Korea 1.4- Wearing habok & Mad shopping @ dongdaemun

By the fourth day, we were too shag to follow our early morning itinerary. We slept in till 11am+ to recharge for the overnight shopping later in the night.

1st stop: Michelin Star Mandoo Place "MyeongDong Gyoza" 
No wonder it's Michelin star restaurant! They had 3 levels all fully packed. So packed that they didn't have enough menus to go around :0 jiejie wanted to read the menu into detail and the waitress was like "??!", found one to lend to jiejie for minutes, then another waitress came to collect it back to give to new customers. 

We ordered EVERYTHING on the menu 

Nah, they actually only had 4 things on the menu. So by everything, it's only 4 items kekeke. The pork soup noodles and mandoo/gyoza was really awesome. Michelin star worthy! I couldn't stop drinking the soup. Unfortunately, not all the items were that fantabulous. There's this weird soybean noodle thingy tt tastes WEIRD. It's like Yam soup with noodles

The Temperamental rain 
we intended to shop around myeongdong seeing that it was a nice sunny day. However a heavy rain started pouring right after we finish our meal >.>
The rain in Korea's summer is weird. Sometimes it rains lightly for only 5-10minutes. Sometimes it rain super heavily but only last for 30mins. Sometimes to rain just last forever. The rain deities here must be partying in summer. 

Due to the rain, we nua-ed at the restaurant for a good 40min, praying fervently for the rain to stop. Pity, the rain deities was partying too hard. In the end, we found shelter @ seoul global culture centre 

Fan Painting Lesson @ Seoul Global Culture Centre
There was some interesting FREE painting activities which we could crash into. Finding our inner peace and artistic sense as we painted for 2++ hours:

End product! I named it 雨过天晴. It means "after it rains, there will always be sunshine". A fitting description for our rainy situation here @ korea, the picture itself, and for the Silver IT Care team dealing with pilot test issues back in Singapore

Next up: Hanbok Experience

Don't I look like a pretty hanbok princess:3 LOVE THE DRESS. Somehow I look like a kid cuz of the long dress...:/ hmm

Last stop: Mad shopping @ Dongdaemun
Slept for awhile at the apartment and off to dongdaemun! Covered migliore again and still manage to buy alot of stuff. Jovan's mum is genius at bargaining! Her eyes were unwavering. The ahjummas in the shop just fell under her commanding presence. Funny conversation after succeeding in bringing the price down by  10-20k won (that like $12-25)

Me: waaa ahjumma jjang!!
Shop ahjumma: aniyo, omma(pointing to jovan's mum) MORE jjang

It was already past midnight so we quickly shopped through another mall named hello apm. Not bad. Cheaper and design were pretty similar to the ones at migliore. 

Our arduous way home :/
Our way home was really tough. It rained cats and dogs. (Excepts u dun see cats or dogs at all cuz they probably fled home long ago. Not like us; so dumb and naive, thinking we could get a cab home easily at 2.30am) The rain was so bad that u can hardly navigate the way. Therefore it was hard catching the attention of taxis. I, self proclaimed leader of the aunties team, bolding stepping out the zebra crossing road flagging for taxi. Its mainly because they cant see us if we flagged from the pavement. Secondly, it was because we had a few competitors also flagging for taxis at the zebra crossing. When in rome, do what Romans do right?

Apparently my sis was fearing for my life as I did my best flagging for taxi so tt we can rest at home quickly. (Our feets were all sore and tired). I'm pretty much fearless about this sorta thing. #training-from-aiesec@taiwan

Sidetrack-my fearful sis
Jiejie is kinda weak-hearted. She cried after a beggar on the street approached her for donation. Ever since, she flinched at the sight of beggars. Example:

Jiejie:meimei, careful got beggar there
Jovan: they are sleeping...

It beats me why she is afraid of beggar too. They are just poor and hungry. Maybe smelly too. But so far I don't see weapons on them. On our third day, we say mr beggar (same one as the one jiejie saw on the first day) fainted and being driven off in an ambulance. Poor thing. 

My sis and I are probably just very different. Afterall Aries and Scorpios are conflicting signs. Our styles totally different XD

Back to taxi story..
Many taxis refuse to charge by metre and offer us exorbitant prices of 40,000won ($50+++) for a distance thats worth only 7000won. So it like that- the rules of not having midnight charge is to set crazy prices... Iroguna... In the end we found one can driver would is willing to negotiate till 20,000won for taxi fare and got home safely:)

Hahhh... Never again will we midnight shop. At least if we midnight shop we have to shop till 5am at least so tt we can mrt back home.

Typical supper routine: Had yummy chicken + makkoli and went to sleep:) yay

Red all over after the makkoli,


  1. Hahahah "self-proclaimed leader of aunties team" lolols so funny

  2. Only one who can read hangul properly(>人<;)



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