

Sunday 28 June 2015

The craziest most successful dare ever played

It's 7am, some crazy hour before my internship work starts. Instead of feeling sleepy and annoyed on this Monday, I feel like I'm walking on clouds. A sense of surrealism.  Frustrated. Excited. And I only slept 4hrs..

Its all become of the dare that happened yesteday. 

My case buddies clique met up yesterday (Sunday) like always for a chill out session. We decided to try something cool for a change - role reversal. We all pretend to be each other. I got to pretend I was Angela so I was really happy, thinking I've got it in the bag (After all angela's my bestiest friend in the whole world ;D). Thennnn.... I LOST THE ROLE REVERSAL GAME. I couldnt rein in my competitive and enthusiastic side when it came to boardgaming OTL. So that was how i got caught up in the greatest dare ever. 

The dare: To call my longest crush (Mr B) for at least 5min. (Note that Mr B is in Japan). I bravely called Mr B thinking he will never pick up an overseas call while he was enjoying a nice afternoon in the awesome Japan. First ring didn't go through and I heaved a sigh of relief. However, my relentless friend insisted I call everyone with him till I got to Mr B!! The most shocking thing happened when Mr B actually called back thinking it was a super urgent call from me. 

"Ring. ." I blanked out. The little devil in me pushed me to just answer the call and think of the consequences later. I followed the devil. 1 min of awkward questions, shy giggles later, we hanged up the call. I failed the 5min phonecard dare. 

With that, my friends pretty much thought they can do anything with my phone so that I can fulfil my dare. Using my phone, they texted Mr B my love confession in a teasing jokingly manner. I went along with the love confession sms prank since my bestie and I did this prank for many times and every time he left it dense and innocent. 

 Mr B, used to these "prank", went along and joked along with it. It changed when the fun and games sounded really serious after a few exchange. Both sides were confused what is true and what is not. My side was half serious since we were joking/pranking with my real feelings. My friends were convincing me of letting the cat of the bag and admit the love confession was my true feelings. In emotional chaos,  with my world in total imbalance, my wild side decided to go with the flow. I let them make it sound serious and decided to let the cat of the bag out for this prank that had went out of control.

Now, apparently, Mr B is in shocked, stressed and confused. Well anyone will be when a prank is mixed in with my real feelings..  I, on the other hand, feels so pumped up as I wait for his reply. Half of me want to punch something since it taking forever. Every second is ... ahhhhhh...

The biggest turn in my life. Stay tuned,

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