

Monday 29 June 2015

The drama continues

Continuation from the most successful dare story: I got friend zoned by Mr B.

My feelings
- I've reread the prank message couple of tunes to analyze and re-analyze it. Then I just feel extremely embarrassed and stupid for over interpreting the messages. On hindsight, it was never that serious after all. It sounded serious but they were just playing around. I ruined it after I got my phone back and tried to 'salvage' the situation. In the end i only made Mr B confused. Gosh what a fail moment. Lesson learnt- never over think

- My peripheral vision sensed a text reply from Mr B while I was at work (rushing some job). Like the serious person I am, I nervously finished up my job and only dared to look at his replies during lunch. The lucky thing was my engagement was changed last minute. So I had a good long bus/mrt journey to deal with my emotions as I returned to my head office.

When I first open the whatsapp chat with Mr B, I saw the words 'see you as a friend' 'hope you are OK' and immediately felt a gush of disappointment and sadness. While waiting for the bus, I was practising the mentality training skills I learnt from my happiness 101 module to regulate my emotions. Then I felt a sense of relief that I got this issue out of my head forever, a sense of nonchalance over how this can't break me down since my life is so good right now. Then the wise me in my head told me that it's better this way then when we waste months dating and figure that we are not soul mates.  Yet, despite this calmness, my eyes started tearing. It almost as though I let out all of sadness out with those tears, leaving behind embarrassment.
Now I just get so embarrassed out how I managed the situation and how I totally let the cat out of the bag when Mr B (most likely) was still densely believing we were joking. How much does Mr B friend zone me, to actually negate the possibility that it's true...?! Oh well..

I hope I can be the mature girl and deal with Mr B coolly the next time we meet.

Staying strong,

P.s other than the rejection message sent at a terrible wrong time, my day was otherwise perfect. Good lunch, left early, nice new supervisor, got allocated to a very cool audit engagement and got a free pack of vitamins from my administrator! If fate/god is treating me so well, this must be a test. It must be an obstacle I'm meant to overcome to evolve^^ #optimistic

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