

Wednesday 1 July 2015

The new motivation to update this blog more often

I conclude that I'm an unfortunate victim of the Google memory phenomena. Why?

Well yesterday I had this convo with my sister, whom I rarely meet nowadays:

"Hey, my friends say you look like me. Jocelyn with EQ. Can teach me how to have EQ. How you talk to people one" Then I brought my sister up to speed about my failz moments.

"Just talk lor. You must be sensitive. Process what people will feel when they hear your words"

"You know, sometimes I get stuck when I talk to people. Like if they ask me who my teacher was for XX module, I will be like fumbling around my memory store then in the end saying 'I dunno leh,"

"It's basic social courtesy to remember people's names. I can still remember my professors names!"

That triggered me to rethink why remember people's names are no longer a subconscious ability I have. It's because I know that if I search through google hard enough, I can find the name!! So I just naturally turn off that memory function in my brain. This might be why I sometimes run out of stuff to say. With this adapted lazy brain, I can almost feel my memories slipping thru my fingers. I tried to recall what I did last last weekend and I couldnt remember until I referred to my Samsung calendar. OMG.

That is why I will try to pen down all my memories here to oil that old memory engine in my brain. Isn't it good that you readers have free easy to my memories vault? Haha, with that I will kickstand this new habit with my reflection of today and yesterday:

1. The empathetic supervisor
I was so touched yesterday by my new empathetic supervisor for my new 2-day engagement.

He (Mr JY) completely understands the frustrations and confusions of an intern - how we have to beg/surf around the intranet for supervisor's number/ how people never realise that interns don't have access to the aura audit files to do/ how we are completely noobsters at the job that need tender loving care.. so what happened was that the manager (Ms V) asked me for a favour, which is to go to client's place alone to do statutory audit. I KNOW! SHE DID NOT TELL ME, SHE ASKED!!! I completely understand what my mentor said about how different execution for the same objective can affect outcomes. I felt totally good after that!! Knowing this, Mr JY came to my table (quite a distance from his) to walk be through the email he was sending to me, took the initiative to give me his phone number and verified several times that I know how to get to the client place. This made me feel so supported for once, like I had someone at my back. He left to do his stuff. Then when he passed by my table again, he reminded me again to call him if I need help! T.T so touched...

Not that my other supervisors are evil, they are good and nice. Mr JY is just ranked No.1 in terms of supportive leadership. Wow. It's also very touching how he wanted to eat lunch with me..

"Let's go for lunch" he said
"OHHH! But I already ate just now" I said, staring at my takeaway ice milk tea.
" oh..." he said disappointed and almost looked like he was limping back with a hunched back. If only I wasn't so hungry and had eaten an early lunch. At the office where there's a hotdesking system, interns normally do not eat with their team. I was pleasantly surprised he cared enough about a 2-day intern to offer eating lunch together:) oh well.. fate dicrated otherwise and I can't help my growling stomach. .

2. The test of summarising skills
I struggled with the O' level English summary question. Doing statutory audit alone meant that I had to summarise long minutes filled with technical stuff. It was so ooo challenging and mind boggling. I had to decide whether to leave certain numbers in and if something was significant enough to be included.

3. My engagement booking that suddenly changed (again)
Today morning, I got someone who kept calling me. I thought it was from activesg, someone calling back to followup on my complaint. Then after a while I realised from my supervisor that it was my planner who was desperately trying to reach me, informing that me about my engagement. Turned out she booked me for a half day job without realising that I was still engaged at my old job. She called me to clarify if I was still booked under my old job and did not tell me about what I should do for the new half day job she booked me under. For a good 2 hours,  I was worried if I was still in the right place doing the right job. Lol.. thank goodness I read in between the lines and practise good judgement..

4. Getting the hang of audit
I'm quite proud of myself that I am already getting the hang of audit, enough to help my fellow interns on problems they face. They were trying to figure out where they can extract data relating to cost of sales of a related company. They were looking at trade payable trial balance. After some thought,  I figured that the data would be classified under another G/L named related company transactions instead. Feels good to be good at doing your job^^ feels really good to identify a problem and engage with an intellectual conversation with your supervisor on how to mend the problem.  I actually know what I am doing and not just following orders. Despite the headache from doing so much thinking, it made me so happy today!

Being blessing,

P.s sometimes I just wonder if I am still acting sane. My mood have been swinging so badly right after the rejection. Random enthusiasm for exercising and blogging, random fascination with the empathetic supervisor, even doing something completely out-of-charactor like writing a complaint letter to activesg about their buggy system ..(it's really more like a I'm-so-disappointed-in-this kinda letter) is that like post-rejection syndrome or something... or am I just PMS-ing. LOL

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