

Friday 3 July 2015

Always the saigang warrior

Today it's my last day at my QJ audit engagement! It was a very mind boggling last day. My supervisor decides that I'm good enough to handle a whole EGA -evidence gathering activity- myself (from planning to selecting sample, to designing the results tab,even teaching fellow interns how to help me). I totally like the responsibilities.. except I have no experience doing that particular EGA before. The prior year results template was so weird and different from what I was used to. It's almost like a whole new world and I was thinking really hard so that I can quickly extract samples and allocate work. Such a tiring day. Good thing we get treated free dinner next Tuesday!  Hahaha

With this intense headache, one of my jap clique friend "cc" (my nickname for him) decides that we MUST have the itinerary for batam planned out by tonight. I had tuition to rush to so I was almost begging around to ask someone else to do all the admin stuff. But then people were just conveniently avoiding my arrows and not answering the question!!! I don't even know why I felt like it was my responsibility that someone does the booking.

My head suddenly was swamped with worries, adding on to my throbbing headache. My stress bubble burst and I ended up taking up the job of handling the Groupon purchases for everyone (when all I want to do after this long tiring day was die on my bed and wake up early for Msia trip tomorrow)

I just get so frustrated when people just talk and don't act. Paint all the nice images and there's no one to ask the hard questions and do the troublesome stuff. =.= I hate it when I get my hopes up and have plans destroyed because no one acted on it.

Feeling in control isn't a bed of roses,

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