

Sunday 12 July 2015

My endearing kindergarten kid

I am going to dedicate this post to my kindergarten tutee - eva, because she is just so cute!

(At times I just feel so blessed that I have such hardworking good students as my tutees. They make me feel like tutoring is not a job, but really a hobby that helps me destress ^^ especially eva because she is still so innocent)

1. Her naivety and subconscious kindness
There was this time I was playing a bomb game with Eva to make learning English exciting. Basically, how the game works is that we each have to say an English word that meets a criteria. After which, we get to pass the bomb. The bomb will go off at a presets timing. Whoever ends up with the bomb when it sets off, "dies". So when the bomb (in fact it's my phone) vibrated, eva went into this emo state. She actually lost her soul for a moment, lost all her energy to study. Slowly after, she ran to her grandma and started crying. In between sobs I could actually hear this

Eva: "the bomb went off! Did we die"
Grandma: " it's ok! This is fake. Teacher is still here. See!"
Eva: is that true? So we are ok?

Such cuteness! Then I felt guilty about bringing this youth kid to my tainted world where playing with bombs are fun 0.0
Lesson learnt: never bring kids to a world of weaponry. Stick to rainbows, castles, stars and unicorns. Works like a charm hahahaha!

Today, she gave me her seashells too! At times, she would share her chocolates. Especially in the mornings when I rush over without breakfast, she would make sure I take a bite of the bread first before I begin speaking. So sweet :)

2. Her endless creativity
Eva is extremely creative. I would draw out a sand castle and ask her to fill in words beginning with a "C" so that she can build a " C castle" (see the wordplay I did there? Such a genius moment. Too bad eva is too young to appreciate it hahaha). Immediately, she will bring me to her dream world and create stories around this castle adverture. My very simple activity became this quest where we had to reach the top of the castle to capture the flag and bring life back to the castle (by colour it rainbow colours). I just play along with her stories to make it fun haha. Sometimes she would say "oh no there is a bad guy trying to steal the flag! We need to move faster!" What a little genius haha

3. Her unselfish hugs and flying kisses
The good thing about kindergarten kids are that they are so open to expressing their feelings (including that of excitement and love). Occassionally when exit the lift I would see her jumping in to welcome me. The lesson I thought her how to spell "I love you" she would say that to me at the end of every lesson and bid me farewell with her flying kisses!

Then again... kids are really unfiltered. Time to reveal the awkward, not so glamorous moments:
A. Time when she takes off her pants in front of me to go toilet :0
B. Time when she ask me what is the pimple on my face and ask if it's painful.. LOL
C. Recently, she even showed me her panties.. 0.0

OK.. I don't know what this post ended this way...


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