

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Feeling Batam with my feet

I set up a Batam trip with my Japanese class clique long before my confession with Mr B. Mr B is in this clique, therefore he is joining this Batam trip as well. (P.s My confession to him was rejected). Initally, I expected alot of awkwardness. Yet, I was determined to control my emotions and not to make it so. And I did it. It was so not awkward that... both of us were okay being stirred together.

Stirred together as in: our friends (who knew of the rejection) made us take couple shots together, do silly couple stuff, do a duet gazillion times, have Mr B piggy-back me. How did it get to piggy-backing?! Let me share with you the tale of the cursed red platform shoes...

We sang our heart out during the karaoke till around midnight. Then we were walking back to the hotel. It was very dark and there was no pedestrian walking. Just the rocky road with lots of grass on it. We followed Mr B. as he used his memory to guide us back to the hotel. After a long journey, my killer shoes could not endure the torture from the uneven ground and decided to give in! It not just broke. It had two holes with no hopes of salvage. Sometimes when a shoes break, you can still kind of walk in it. I wasn't that lucky. If I continued to walk into those killer shoes, I won't have just 2 injuries on my knees XD I ended up having to walk in my socks. Thank god I wear socks

I can't really remember the details but it seems like Mr B offered to piggy back me back to the hotel. I was so embarrassed by my sheer mass that I continually rejected his kind offer.... until the path back the hotel got more and more rocky and my feet was burning from walking on its rough surface.

The rocky pathway.
The seemingly unending pathway back to the hotel
Continued kind offer for a piggy back

Then, my resolve to walk independently broke. Only to break my pride shortly after. For my first time being piggy backed, this noobish me did not know how to get up. Someone suggested jumping on his back. So... I leapt. Next thing I knew, we were falling backwards. Mr B completely got crushed from my weight and that cursed almost-10kg I gained from 6 weeks in Taiwan. Why now. Why did I not lose this 10kg sooner? WHY. Together with that fall, my pride collapsed. I was traumatised. At least now, I have a super strong motivation to lose weight! hahahaha

I was initially shy about being piggy backed so I tried to keep a tiny distance between my *coughs* breasts and his back. However, that only seemed to make his job harder because I was tilting the centre of gravity backwards. Ms R, one of my other friends, was like "lean forward, just your core! your legs need to hug him!!" Those inhibition broke and I just heck cared for that moment and really like back-hugged him. Kyaaaa :P I'm secretly happy but coughs... we are just friends now. Hmm...I could also be happy about my feet taking a break, happy about having such great friends, not just the backhug opportunity.. :P

Eventually, Mr B could not take my weight. Even more crush to my pride.... So i was passed around (kinda feeling like a rice sack at that moment) from Ms R to CC. Yep, end of story.

After the being made to duet with him, being piggy backed, I just realised that despite the rejections, I couldn't really remove all my feelings towards Mr B. I still like him. He is still a behaviour-candy to me. Being piggy back and having the duet with him made me happy. Its just sad how he was kinda avoid eye contact during the duet. Either that, or he really couldn't remember the chinese lyrics. Franky, chinese lyrics are hard to remenber! So. Now, I shall just channel all of those feeling of "Like" into friendship "Like". No need to secretly hope for and wait for more at least. Guess that is a good thing. The line is now clear.

More details on the trip:

I have no much reflection on this so more details can be found in Angela's blog. One additional thing Angela was too shy to mention though: Never do body scrub massage. They literally clean everywhere (including chest area!) Kyaaaa~~ I was like "chill jojo chill. Be an adult BE AN ADULT! I hope this female masseur is straight"

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