

Friday 17 July 2015

The fun-packed post-internship Msia trip

My sis jio-ed (invited) me to join her on her 2 day 1 night Malaysia trip after my internship. Severely needing a vacation after how hard I worked, I cancelled tuition and tagged along on the trip.

It was the best decision I have made because I feel so happy even now. Even after a wasted trip to tuition (walking one big round to get into the condo then realising that there was a shorter way, then finding out that my Chinese really sucks very bad because I misunderstood the tuition day, limping back home with feet filled with blisters), even after all that, I still feel so happy! The Malaysia trip was everything I wanted in a trip but more! For a trip with my sisters' friends (where im this out of place person), it felt too comfortable to be true :)

1st stop: The long car ride to Msia and making a new friend
Usually when i go on trips with my sister's friends I would feel slightly uncomfortable. Without wifi connection or any sort of data, I could not escape to the digital world. However, this was the first time I am going out with my sis' friend Liyi. Li Yi is such an awesome person. She made me feel so comfortable during the trip, giving that charming smile of hers (which says "aww her sister is so cute") whenever I do something. In that long car ride, I talked about my internship experience with Li Yi and she was giving me advices as well. Throughout the whole trip, we even talked about deeper topics like- my sis' charismatic temper, finding boyfriends etc. She is good at coaxing people to talk. MAN! wow i want to learn to do that too :3

2nd stop: The stress-relieving kbox session at 1am.
I unabashedly sang all the high pitched songs, hitting weird keys. We ended off with jovan's army gang comfort song.

3rd stop: the Shopping to clear up my have-been-wanting-but-too-lazy-to-shop list of things
After a good night sleep, a nice morning watching half of "mean girls 2" movie and some yummy dim sum, we went to shop for my list of things. We didn't clear my list of things because I went broke after buying a few things..

-battery charger (I really couldn't survive another month waiting for taobao),
-a new dress (because the tomboy in me, who hated how girly dresses are, recently I realised how much easier it is to wear dress. It saves so much time and it's more practical functionality wise),
-swimming costume (for our sisters' new swimming motivation),
-random skin products (to try out of curiousity) and
-hair dye (to relive my reddish brown hair days)
- lollipop (for my cute kindergaten kid)

I may have went slightly overboard with the shopping because I was the only one with bags and bags of stuff hahahaha.

4th stop: HTHT during Lunch
During lunch, when we talked about boys and my recently confession, I felt like I slightly bonded with Jovan. Jovan and I have this weird awkward relationship when it's just the two of us. After all, I couldn't really get past this tiny little feeling of "you stole my sis from me!" and that he is a guy and I am usually quieter around guys. I become more myself around my sister..

5th stop: Antman movie
this movie is really better than advertised. I give it a 9 out of 10 because of how well and humorous the characters are developed, the creativity and science behind the show, the fact that it has this James bond kind of movie style, how the movie is less gross than imagined. It really has everything I would look for in a movie.

6th stop: Finally unlocking a new experience- escape room
It was really fun. I'm gonna leave the details of this till the next blog post because I have so much things to share about my very first escape room experience :) malaysia is the best place to do it because it's half the price and just as fun! Really really memorable.

7th stop: Crabs and durian!!
Nothing much to say about this. When you go malaysia, you have to eat crabs. Duh. I didn't eat much durian  though. At around 11pm I was dying to go back home and sleep hahaha. Energy all drained.

I am really happy how my sister and her friends were ok with my childish whims and went along with my desires to play escape room. Such an awesome gang of people. This is what I would call the most successful youths-only getaway.

Feeling estastic,

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