

Wednesday 15 July 2015

My Dad is such a tsundere

I'm totally bored on my last day of internship (yayyyyy), so I'm just spamming posts. 

(So happy to be back in pwc office enjoying my all-time-favourite breakfast set. I've been to different client location and this canteen beside pwc has the best breakfast woohoo!)

OK. . so I slept in my makeup and work clothes while waiting for the heater AGAIN. In my defence,

1. I did not expect falling asleep from watching abit of running man!
2. I'm the queen of sleeping anytime anywhere :P
3. My bed is seriously the best bed ever! It's so big and comfortable.
4. I was worked thin on my last day of engagement.  The super nice manager decided to let me try a new EGA by myself so that I get exposed to new things. Who know that means looking through dozens of thick files (and of course I didn't finish! I only had like 3-4hours). Right after work, I spent my whole bus journey answering emails. I barely had time for dinner T.T I munched off my breadtalk at the bus stop for a few minutes and was off to tuition.  I literally had no breather, no even time for facebook:/

Now you see why I die when I trudge myself back home. It's pretty amazing how i don't oversleep in buses anymore.

How is all this related to my dad being tsundere? Haha its related when my dad has to be the one to wake me up in the morning, finding that he has to wait for me to shower and stuff. This morning, he flared up and was like

" I don't get up in the morning to wait for you and fetch you to work ok. I need to go work too!" (His flared up is actually not very bad. Rather, a more appropriate term would be, letting out frustrations. I learn my good temper from my dad)

Being a good tempered little kid, I was like "oh ok, I'll just go myself for today. It's at pwc today so I'll just take bus.". Then rushed into the shower and had a nice relaxing bath. When I came out, my dad was still there!! I went on to do my makeup and then my dad came in and said

"I'll go down first and wait for you"

Awwww isn't that such a sweet tsundere moment. My dad has always been the kind who says mean and insensitive things, and then top them off with a nicest little act. He never means those mean stuff, it's just his im-a-dad-so-im-bad-at-expressing-my-love tendencies. As his favourite child, I will know what he means. (My brother and sis never understood my dad as well as I do kekeke)

I think I may have learnt this insensitivity from my dad, alas, a super unpolished version. I'm not as good as my dad at the topping-it-off-with-a-cherry thing. Sometimes, all one needs is to have friends who can see pass that insensitivity to find my real feelings. I am glad to have found my case budz clique who understand me and forgive my stupidity. To these trusted buddies, I swear I won't let you down! I'll slowly learn to be more sensitive. It's not my second nature but there will be a day when you see a sensitive jojo :D

Feeling inspired again,

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