

Friday 4 September 2015

My best friend is leaving for 3 months

After the adrenalin rush for cca recruitment week, orientation camp, first few week of settling into school, I suddenly feel very dispirited. 

1. Maybe I haven't been getting alot of sleep and me-time lately
2. My best friend is going away for winter exchange to Taiwan. My comfort zone has officially left Singapore :/

-the tribute post to ange starts now-

I started feeling the impact of having my BFF missing in action a few days ago, when I signed up for the free one-month membership at Kfit. This kfit membership allows me to join zumba/yoga classes, escape room, megazip adventures adventures at sentosa for FREE. 6hours later, I cancelled that membership, realising that my BFF will be going to taiwan. That means no one who will be on enough to follow along with my whims. No one who would see me as a number 1 priority. They would probably say "maybe" while they wait for other possible outing invitations ._. No one who would just come my house to chill (ie sing with a computer/lego/ gym/ cook). There's case budz... but even my case budz friends have other priorities..

For the first time in 8 years, we will be skipping out on our semesterly routine of studying together at libraries. We would not have lunch together every other week. I would not be physically with ange as she uncover a new experience in her life. Neither will she be physically with me as I brave through the Enactus storms ahead. It's a whole new test to our 8 year friendship!

Ange probably never knew how important she is in my life. She is like my sister. This is very mushy to say.. but ange has become my courage to make friends. Alone, I feel like I'm facing strangers who would judge me. Together,  I feel less need to control my image. I feel empowered enough to want to include new people into our lives.

I'm really glad to have case budz with me while ange is gone. Case budz has become one of my most cherished relationship. And I can't help but think that ange played a huge role in bringing all of us together. Haiz. . So emo... Anyway, i hope case budz can stay strong even after 10 years!! Then we can have an anniversary party~~

Apprehensive about the journey ahead,

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