

Saturday 16 July 2016


Since there's nothing much to do on the bus, I shall blog haha. I find blogging a good way to remember things. I tend to have short term memory regarding my own life 0.0

So I was watching a YouTube ads by SK two. I only watched to because it was featuring Japanese women and their dreams. Listening to Japanese is just like music to my ears <3 In this ad, japanese housewives were being counselled. But the cousellor was actually wearing earphones and repeating comments by little kids. The ad is so touching because it showed how adult tend to give up their dreams for the mundane things like housework, looking after kids and work etc. I made me rethink like how I was when I was a kid- with endless curiosity and dreams.

What's my dream? It's probably things like trying out new things, go explore new places, try new food. Bungee, learn piano, I still like being a doctor and learn about illnesses though.. doing something to make a huge impact on the world (or some impact, some is good lols).... I find that to pursue such dreams, one needs:

1. To remind ourselves what makes us happy and what drives us. And not be like mindless drones working ourselves to death. I have that workaholic tendency because my pride is tied to the responsibilities I bear . Typical A-type personality.

2. Courage. The courage to pursue these dreams yourself. I guess it's hard to find someone who can live through these dreams with you. Especially when you are older and friends have their own dreams to pursue and things to do. I can't imagine taking classes my myself with a bunch of strangers, nor doing bungee jumping myself like an anti social kid. However, I'm just worried if I keep waiting, I'll never achieve these dreams.

Coincidentally, I bought a friendship necklace with Angela today. Hopefully that will remind me to stay bright and dream big


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