

Saturday 16 July 2016

Time to be more courageous

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I was reading this scene of the mana recently (yes..a childish guilty pleasure.. but the story development is fast and easy to keep up for my busy schedule)

So inspired! You know moments when you have lunch with your superiors. You wanna say something but is too afraid to say it for fear of looking stupid... that's me everyday at work during the lunch period. I never understood why some people- the extroverts- can speak their mind and talk about some random topics. But now I realised that it's really about having the courage to be hurt :0

Even inviting friends to my graduation convocation, took days of pondering. Like "would they be burdened" "would this sound desperate" "what if they dao".. I seem to be reverting back into my naturally timid self. What happened to that brave Enactus Project Leader, who said whatever to get things done.. During that period, i probably tuned out all my anxiety and fear and chunked them out as "inefficient" emotions. But thats not completely right either.. It's a constant struggle to be sensitive but honest!

Mental note to be braver,

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