

Thursday 4 August 2016

A better-than-expected Graduation

My graduation day was one chaotic day. It was a jam-packed schedule of ceremony, rushing around to take photo with friends and family, family dinner, rushing to photoshoot then rushing to tuition. Nonetheless, it was much better than I thought I would be!

Before graduation day, I was thinking everything is just a chore and was just dreading it, thinking the worse case scenario - no friends to take photo with. "Just a belated ceremony that people do for the sake of it".

But no, it was actually much more exciting. The amazement as you look at the teacher donned in cool robes, the anticipation as you wait for your friends turn to shine in stage, the doki-doki feeling when you are standby on the stage. The feeling when they read "Toh Si Ling Jocelyn" and I was like "omg why is the man stand so far away.. do I reach for his hand now? Now? What about now?" Then the awesome feeling when I look at my cert ^^

Then when I got out, I got a nice surprise when a good high school friend, Vivian,  gave us flowers! It did not even cross my mind that I will be receiving anything! I was just so grateful she even came. Not only vivian, but so did eemin, jingqi and my family. My family is like the super practical kind. So the fact that they all took leave to come down was like SUPER RARE (my parents never came for PTA meeting or anything since I'm always such a reliable and good student) Not only did they come down, they bought this super cute (yet expensive) $80 graduation bear. Today I hug it everyday to utilise every cent they spent. Can't do that for flowers tho.. I guess the flowers will just have to stay pristine in my memories LOL

Onward to the family photoshoot. We had to take the family shot first. However, everyone was so tense. Then the photography was like "boss, lady boss, why no smile??" Then my dad was like "cannot smile, my teeth very ugly" lol.  I was super tensed up, worried that if I move a muscle, a hair will go out of place or my head will become unaligned or the angle will just be off. They even gave me 4 ceramic tiles to step on so that everyone's height will be the same. Heels + 4 tiles is not easy to balance on..

Soon, it was my turn for the individual shot. For people who know me, I don't really know how to smile. My smile will always be just all teeth or just awkward. When I took my first shot, I literally, broke the camera light. The room went into complete blackout LOL. Thanks to the blackout, my family managed to sneak some photos with some of the other props haha (because no photography is allowed in the studio). I was so in love with this huge bear prop. The bear is big and taller than me AND totally huggable #lifegoals

I guess that just sums up my graduation

A truly independent adult now,

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