

Tuesday 23 August 2016

The awkward encounters

So I have a senior in my workplace who is an alumni in Enactus  (his name is YM). I shall write down my series of awkward moments with him so that I can laugh about it in the distant distant future.

1. The name
You know when u r a junior of someone, you should at least know their name? But 2 weeks after I have worked with YM, I realised I have been calling him name all wrong!! Its not pronounced the typical han yu pin ying way, but by some dialect way.

Some fail junior. After that, for a few days, I had a internal battle whenever I had to call YM'S name. Because I felt so ashamed whenever I had to call his name! So for a few days, I called him by "erm"/"hey"/ "eh" LOL. 3 days later, I decided I was behaving rudely and called him the right way. Thank god he din call me out on it.

2. Having to swallow my stupid questions
You know when you carry the name "VP of Enactus ntu", you have a reputation to uphold? YM seemed to hold a very high opinion of my capabilities. So every time I had difficulties doing my work, I had to swallow down all the stupid questions. I would make sure I consider all possible solutions before I approached him. STRESS~

3. I did not know if other colleagues are supposed to know that we are both from the same club. So I refrained from talking about Enactus during lunch time. Even though I had burning questions to ask. Some stupid concern that was, thinking about it now..

4. Clearly,  YM and I are both introverts. So during one train ride home with him, the conversation was so awkward.. it may be because he's a senior and an alumni, that's why I din want to complain/whine in front of him.

Then there was one time I walked into the client's meeting room, and there YM was sitting in the dark 0.0 I did not know how to react to it, and awkwardly joined him in the semi dark room. Then we worked in silence... ...

5. Given the above series of events, I developed a tendency to want to avoid the awkwardness.

[context: Since yesterday, i have been sitting at level 15 for my new job. YM, on the other hand, usually sits at our office level 13, where all the people in my department sits. If not, he should be at client's place]

So today, I went to sit at level 15 (not purposely to avoid, but to sit with a senior I was working with on my current job). Shockingly, I saw YM sitting right beside the seat I was sitting the day before. Sheepishly, I went to another row of sits and sat there instead.

But god forbid. When u texted my senior where I was sitting, she said that she choped seat for us at the seats we sat at yesterday! Alamak moment. Time to face my awkward fears.. I (mentally) trudged back to the seat where YM was, and said my hellos.

Who knew, it wasn't as bad as I thought LOL. We said hi then mind our own business (like literally, went back to work IN SILENCE). I guess that's what it is like with a room of introverts.

This is actually quite hilarious,

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