

Saturday 28 December 2013

Taiwan Explores Day 23-24: Sleepover~~

The past few days I didn't go for food delivery but stayed in the kitchen to help wash up stuff. It wasn't by choice. It was really because I didn't see the car leave and no one informed me. So when one of the aunties asked me why I didn't go for the delivery I just said

The aunt gave a "???" face so I just awkwardly changed my reason

She then accepted the reason and I went back to either running man, slacking or napping.

However, somehow today they decided to bring me for delivery again. So I experienced major car sickness. Urgh. I had to leave the workplace at 12pm so that I can reach beixin school on time with time to spare. However, after the excruciatingly long delivery ride, it was already 12.15pm... I saw that they already filled my lunch container so I quickly emptied the food into a takeaway box and scurried off to beixin elementary. It feels terrible to take a bus after getting car sick from lunch delivery. It's like soul-sucking and vomit-inducing .

As expected, I was late yet again. Lucky the teacher was still doing the pre-class preparations (collecting homework, giving notices etc.) the two classes went by pretty ok. After I present my slides, the children would come up to me to ask the questions given in their worksheets (even though I already explained it before:/) and many of them would ask the same questions. I quickly learnt to use short simple answers hahaha. I asked the teacher if I should just go through the worksheets with them but the teacher said that its okay. Apparently, they want the kids to learn to ask questions in English and want to test their understanding. There were many kids who left their worksheets blank though. 

It's quite funny how there was this kid who ask the teacher how to write his English name! Haha the teacher replied "you don't know how to write your own name? Then how would I know?" So cute lols. Compared to my first day, I didn't get any celebrity attention or gifts though lols. 

Yea so after class, I went to Angela's homestay!:) her house was 180 degrees different from mine. I stayed in some sort of old house with creaking floorboards, dirty floors (so you need to walk around with slippers all the time, even bathing!), showers without proper space or a showerhead. You use the same sink to brush teeth and bathe.. And you can only stand on the same spot to bathe because if you moved, your clothes get all wet. The washing machine in actually inside the toilet as well.. You can imagine how cramped everything is. Then Angela lives in this awesome condominium

It's a whole new experience for me! Almost like a vacation! Nice to see clean floor and a living room area again. Nice to see a kitchen in a house. Like wow.

We laid around for awhile and decided to choreograph and record a dance for our depressed friends. It was really fun! Haha. Angela's laptop video-recording function wasn't working well so we had to record with our handphones. I had to lie on the floor unglamly just to find a good shooting angle. Lols.

We had the dinner cooked by the maid. The vegetables were really nice and leafy! Finally leafy vegetables that tastes like home~ 

After which, we went to play pool with the host kid, Yue Ni. I kept remembering it as Yue Lin (stormclock) lol. 
We just played anyhow without proper rules haha. The kid's playing method is really shocking. She uses the stick in very creative ways like sweeping the balls in. Lol. I won the first round (somehow got 3 balls in consecutively). Angela won the second round.

Then we went to the hot springs~~~ it was really awesome. Nice and hot! Nice hot shower :) finally a decent bath!!! The people there are really unabashed about nakedness. There were people drying their hair naked 0.o some people don't even bother to hide their body in the water... Like wows.

After we went back, I find new bed sheets for me
That's so so considerate of the owner! Was thinking of sharing Angela's small bed lols.  We played monopoly with the kid for awhile. The monopoly rules were all warped and according to the kid. Kid called all the shots. Lol. Angela became bored already quickly though. As expected of a non-gamer. We then went to sleep, skipping my usual running man routine.

The next day, we visited jiufen~ the place looks really Japanese and reminded me of spirited away. Really felt like I was in the movie. It's pretty everywhere we walked. I didn't plan to spend any money  but the food was pretty good. We didn't eat any taro since Angela hated it:/

After roaming jiufen, we went to luodong night market. When we went to buy the train tickets, there was yet another sarcastic counter person. 

"We like to buy a ticket to luodong and another bus ticket to taipei"

He thought we wanted two train tickets so he said "what time tickets you want? It's like buying fish without saying what type you want. (Something along those lines)

"Oh we mean do you sell the complimentary bus ticket to taipei here?"

He replied: "It's like buying fish from a chicken store (something along that line)"

... Seriously ._. Doesn't help the mood when we went seriously bus-sick from standing on a shaking bus for some time.

Nonetheless, we had a good time at luodong. So many good food, but we only had tiny Singaporean appetites. We even found a roti Prata shop that reminded us of the Singapore flavour! They eat it in a different way though lol. They eat it like some sort of sandwich..

Here, I managed to get a nice shorts and a bag to put all the extra hand carry:) it's black again like my monster bag:P

Sad that the stayover is already over,

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