

Monday 30 December 2013

Taiwan Explores Day 25: Dadaocheng tour

Today i joined the "local fun" organisation to learn more about dadaocheng. This is so that we can better design the tour for the locals and present to them the interesting parts of dadaocheng.

We used this really cool transmitter thingy so that the teacher doesn't need to shout. 

Brief introduction:
"Dadaocheng was an important trading port in the 19th century". After land disputes over Monga land, people moved to dadaocheng. It was then discovered that dadaocheng is a very convenient port area and eventually, it became a bustling town for various businesses.
Now, dadaocheng is a tourist attraction that holds Taipei's cultural and historical heritage.

(I was made to read the dadaocheng intro book before the tour so I know all these :3 only managed to read half of it and remember half of the names and titles in the book though. Nonetheless, the story of dadaocheng is pretty interesting.)

We walked along the streets of dadaocheng and the teacher showed us old pictures of Dadaocheng in its former glory.

 The buildings in dadaocheng looks very old and demolished now, but they really look very awesome in the past! 

You will never believe where I took this picture from. It's actually inside a convenience store! It's just so happen that the old hospital was where the convenience store was situated. Therefore there's this historical corner inside the store LOL. 

The store sells awesome ice cream too! Quality guaranteed! Approved by my chocolate loving standards~

Here's a bookstore that sells old books.

Here's a museum that shows different kinds of interesting puppets. They even have this big gong, where you have to pay to hit it:

We also went to this memorial hall for Lin Yi-shun. He's the guy that pioneered the tea business in dadaocheng.

 Went to the dadaocheng wharf as well. It was so freezing cold, we decided not to go in to enjoy the wind.

After that we had a mini debrief session at the dadaocheng park. There's this statue of lee Lin chiu, one of the key film makers of his times.

Hahaha.. That's pretty much all I remembered. Most of the time the teacher made historical reference or those only-Taiwanese-can-relate jokes that I don't get. Then I'm just like "heheheh?" Lucky I read the book! Else I would be able to catch the chim Chinese and explanations lols. 

Overall, it was an enriching experience. At least the streets of dadaocheng means something more than just buildings to me now. It would have been more fun if Angela's was with me though:/ too bad she couldn't make it in time... Then I have to like solo the whole day T-T


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