

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Taiwan Explores Day 27-28: It's a new year

Today, I have planned to camp over at Angela's house so that I can save the trouble of squeezing in the mrt to get back home. It's all so sudden. I woke up early in the morning (7am) to realise "OMG IT'S TODAY!" and quickly went to pack up my things in the last minute. 

The work at the kitchen is pretty much the same old routine. However at the work at beixin elementary always brings me joy. The kids were so enthusiastic! 

I even got a card!

Yea... So after class, I got myself one earpiece and one new iPhone wire (again). I think I bought 8 wires (and counting) from Taiwan already. The wires include iPhone wire, earphones and the wire to charge the charger. One of them will just spoil within a week. I swear it's not my fault because I already gave all these wires royal treatment! I mean I keep my earphone nice and warm in my pocket with a heatpack :3 then I roll them up nicely and all... Still spoils in the end (so really, why bother._.)

After that, I camedp at Angela's room to sing frozen songs. Epic failure though. I hope her homestay people didn't hear us cuz we were terrible :0 The ever-weak, health-depends-on-oranges Angela didn't get to eat any oranges at all. So she had lost her voice over shouting at children in her class. When she tried singing the girl's harmony, no sound comes out at all. It's so funny! Sadly she won't allow me to record her voiceless coarse singing:/

At around 8pm, We went to countdown at taipei 101. I was uber happy when I saw Arashi on the screen and the Galileo male actor!
Our faces when we realised arashi's on screen.

My highest moment was pretty much seeing the Galileo actor sing lols. Everyone else is like "mehhh who is that":/ what! how could they not know! After that, there were other unknown singers who performed. The TV showed very high crowd at the front. However, in reality, it was super 冷场 at the back. And I finally know what happens during commericials: NOTHING! It's like sudden silence~ ROFL

From the back, the performers looked like ants.. 

Weak Angela developed a sore throat so she couldn't cheer at all-.- how ever would she go to conduct classes on Thursday... And the broke throat is not even from cheering 0.o Not that she needs to cheer anyway. The crowd at the back was so ... That you can hear a pin drop. I said "woah" in the softest, most sarcastically unenthusiastic voice and I think pretty much everyone could hear it.

Nonetheless, the fireworks were really nice. Good decision to not visit taipei 101 until now, cuz taipei 101 looks the best on countdown day:3

We spent 2hrs just to get back to Angela's homestay. 2hrs CAR ride... Thank god I didn't choose to get back on my own cuz that would take forever. Then I slept without bathing cuz it was already 2am and I was dead tired. Angela found that totally gross but in the end, she's the only one in the whole house that bathed hahahaha.

Finally, i had a pretty good sleep in ages... I slept until afternoon. Only 10hrs... but thats the best I've got for weeks! After that I had to go to my project meeting where we had to each give comments and reflections regarding the dadaocheng tour we had on Sunday. 

-once again everyone discusses actively, so I had difficulty trying to speak out my ideas... But heck LOL- 

They gave out some worksheets which was in chinese and i was like @.@ (gives up on reading) My homework was to research in detail about the famous people who contributed to dadaocheng development... Hope there are sufficient data on google that's in English. Somehow I survived the super long 4hrs meeting X.x Mind you, it's in super chim Chinese._.

I had dinner with Angela at some so cheap all you can eat restaurant. It's only 230NT, but the ambience is super creepy. There's like red lighting all over the place so it really looks like a pig slaughter house... And it kinda is! We just spam the pork with chilli sauce cuz it's just sooooo GOOD~ we put lots of random stuff into the soup to make it sweet but kinda failed:/ the soup just tasted plain and eggy. Then at the end we have to eat all those random stuff up even though we just want to stuff ourselves up with more pork instead. PORK BANZAI!! 

-wish they have fish though. Buffet restaurants here doesn't seem to serve fish at all 0.o whyyy-


P.s my new year resolution: make more friends in uni, perhaps joins some martial arts club and learn a new skill, get the impossible 4.5 GPA!

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