

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Taiwan Explores Day 29: Last lesson at Beixin Elementary

Today, I felt totally lazy and sleepy. When I reach the kitchen, there was nothing much that I could help to do so I got overwhelmed by sleepiness and took a nap. 

Woke up slightly and found that they already started packing the fruit so I went to help. After helping, I went back to nap again LOLs. The chef was like "you caught a flu?"

"Don't think so"

"Not enough sleep?"

"Likely so XD"

Somehow I survived 3 classes of teaching. Today was my last class at beixin T.T nuuuuuu back to stoning at the kitchen x.x

The kids asked funny questions today. For example when we were talking about gums, they ask "do you have a gun?". Or questions like "did you invent anything?" Even the teacher stared at the student in a ???-What-a-weird-question face. 

As I watched the "Singapore town" video for the gazillionth time, I started to wish I was inside the video, back at home, eating Singapore Kway teow and fishball~~~ sucks to only speak of the main food in Singapore in all the lesson and not be eating for a month:/

Going back home to continue sleeping zzz,

P.s the eggtarts in taiwan's KFC is so awesome!

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