

Sunday 5 January 2014

Taiwan Explores Day 32: Lotus pond + Sci Museum

Can you believe it's a month since I came to Taiwan. Wows. I'm seriously better at sensing roads now, like intuitively knowing the right way, memorizing streets. It almost feels like it's my 2nd home country already since I've been back and forth on Taipei mrt track so many times. I think I can almost memorise the mrt map:3

This is our hostel lady boss. Super nice lady:) 

Today we check out of our hostel. I had to pick myself out of bed super early in the morning. I would choose to sleep more but... No time to waste! Alot of places to visit today! Off to lotus pond and science museum~

At the lotus pond, we went into the dragon's mouth and climbed up the super tall pagoda. Pants pants X.x then we exited the tiger's mouth. Along the dragon's stomach, we got to see the 24 孝 story engraved on its walls. Amazing artwork. Jjang!
kissed the dragon >.< Angela rated the picture NC16 LOL
 Went to this pagoda as well.
After that we took the cultural tour bus to take a ride around the whole pond (it's really huge!) the guy tour guide blabbered  on and on about the history and different information of the place. However he spoke so fast in difficult Chinese word that we responded pretty slowly and was 0.o most of the ride. The first female tour guide we had was much better. At least she spoke slowly and with more enthusiasm in her eyes.

At 3.30pm we quickly took a cab to the science and technology musuem. On a random note, we saw this book vending machine at zuoying mrt station LOL
Like you can actually borrow a book like how you get coke from a vending machine :0

On hindsight, we should have gone to the science museum first. The museum had 6 freaking floors of pure awesomeness. It satisfied our inner geeks. There were many different fun things to play but because we arrived to near closing time (5pm), we missed all of it. (There's the rain and wind simulator, moon walk simulator, journey into the blood vessel... Yea you get the point) There's even a exhibit to play wii. It's really high tech in the museum.

See how huge this place is?!

Me using motion sensing technology to kill germs in the game

We completed this 5 mission game thingy and manage to get a ride. We had to peddle real hard though;( 
Our mission was to collect the 5 stickers by playing different games around the exhibit. When all 5 stickers are collected, you will see this picture of a clown riding a bike.
There was this game where can get to roll a boat. We had lots of difficulty answering the quizzes and reading the instruction as they were in Chinese.. And 繁体字somemore._.

Overall experience in the 1hr: SUPER FUN! Recommended for whole day of play. If we didn't have to go back to taipei tomorrow we would totally come back again!

Huh why is Monday here again;(

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