

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Taiwan Explores Day 33-35: Back to the simple days

The few days, my life have been extremely boring and slow. I nap most of the time XD

It's like in the morning, I try to see if I can help wash the veggies. However, when it gets to crowded at the washing veggie station, I'll have nothing to do, so I'll just nap till I sense something else to do. When I'm lucky, there will be fruit orders then I can help with packing the fruits. I tried to offer help to put the rice into the rice cooker but was rejected every single time ._. The poor girl even got scolded for not doing her job. They seem to have been allocated work scope so they aren't allowed to let me do certain things. #redundantlifemuch

For a workaholic like me, im feeling job UNDERLOAD and lack of job variety.. So sianz my teaching days at beixin elementary is over..

I truly feel useful when it's lunchpacking time. They said I've become good at cutting the putting the egg. The egg is really soft and hard to handle so only pros get to handle it:3 I love putting the egg because its the easiest job to me hahaha (after getting the hang of it). When I get to put the veggies, I'll do a messy job:/ plus I can't do it as fast as I can with the egg.

From 11am-3pm, my life is really nuaz. I just really watch running man, rewatch some old cartoons, slowly eat lunch and sleep more. They don't really bring me out on deliveries anymore since I'll get carsick. Life's really slow here... I can't really help with the cooking stuff cuz only pro chef can do the cooking:/

At 3pm, I help to do dinner packing. When I'm lucky, there are some containers that needs to be washed. At 4pm, everyone leaves except the manager and my homestay mum. I'll have to wait for my homestay mum to be done before I can leave so ill nuaz for another 2hrs

I think I've never slacked/slept so much in my life!!! I think I'll have difficulty adjusting sleeping patterns when Im back in Singapore >~< I mean I'll accustomed to the whole lunch nap thing. I'm definitely getting fat and lazy here in Taiwan. I eat oily outside food everyday (my homestay doesn't have a kitchen), and my job lacks action and much movement really. Chubby Jojo T.T how am I ever gonna get back into shape?! I've grown so fat and juicy that mosquitos developed a liking for me (got tons of mosquito bites since kaohsiung trip) Totally craving plain old Kway teow back in Singapore~~

On a random note, the toilet at my workplace is totally smelly. I always have to hold my breathe as I do my business. The weird thing about Taiwan is that you can't throw the tissue into the toilet bowl. Rather, you throw it into a bin next to the toilet bowl. Since the bin my workplace uses is not covered, plus they don't use air freshener, you can imagine how smelly it is. I try not to drink or eat so much so that I don't need to use the toilet. Urgh

Since this blog post is totally boring (like how my working days have been), I shall add another story. There was one day, as I stepped up the bus on my way to Beixin elementary school, one of my shoes sudden just dropped off onto the bus steps... Everyone stared in shock and amusement. I felt totally paiseh and quickly skip down the steps for my shoes and slip them back on XD

2 more days to go~ 


P.s just done with washing dishes. Imagine dipping your hands into a basin of dirty oily water with food scrap in it. Eeks. #accomplishment 

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