

Sunday 30 March 2014

Angela's First Dance Concert

Check out the post from her point of view -----> Angela's blog

By sheer luck or something, my big boss from work transferred me to work at the Jurong West branch (to relief some classes). That means.... I can barely make it in time, in fact probably slightly earlier to catch my breathe, for Angela's JDC concert!!!

I was totally excited. I've been to quite a number of concerts before. Namely, SHINEE concerts (woots!!~), band concerts for my seniors etc. However, the idea of Angela of stage dancing is totally new and amazing. Especially since Angela has super amazing dancing rhythm and somehow whatever she dance just looks very gorgeous. JingQi the dance master also very pro de. I had a preview of their dancing hats and I was looking forward to what the dance concept was. Their hats was super cool looking <3

I was debating whether to buy flowers or not. Its normal etiquette to do that however, i know fellow pragmatist like Angela will be thinking "flowers very waste money hor". Since its Angela's very first performance "what the heck" right :))))) Its also somewhat weird to give a guy a rose >~< HAHAHA. With a push from xq, I got the flowers in the end. I can already imagine it rotting though. I received roses from performance before so I know. They rot even after putting them in a container of water T_T

Initially, my objective of going the show is to support Angela, JingQi and Pete. I was even planning to leave after their segment. However, the performance was fabulous enough to keep me there. In fact, the performance seems to get better ( and deeper), leaving me with a speechless "wow! so deep"

 How I interpreted the performances 
(spoiler to Angela, JQ and Pete who didn't get to see the whole show keke)

At the start was vibrant and fun, illustrating the benefits and lure of conformity. Then when one of the performers touched the cursed mirror, bad things started happening. The main character started to fight herself and try to overcome "conformity". Somehow in the end, she managed to find her true self. The ending was abrupt and still satisfying. Nothing like a good ending :)

Its just amazing how the dances depicted all of that. Kudos. I admire the dancers how they can do solos with confidence or even remember their super long choreography. Especially admire dancers like Rachel Tay who wore super sexy outfits >.< I'll never put off that kind of thing! Speaking of Rachel Tay, she totally oozed confidence and had rocked the stage. Natural flirt eh keke (I mean this in a good sense, just can't find a better word for it)

Other than soul funky's performance (where most of the time I was just eyeing Angela, JQ and Pete), my favs were the part with the cute kids in panda hats ( so cute), cute kids doing swagalicious dance moves ( goosebump inducing!) and the mario entrance (totally genius!)

At the end of the concert, I gave out roses to Angela, JQ and Pete like a crazed fan vying for attention. I was like "Angela!!! PETE!! JQQQQ!!!" and waving roses at them.

Overall, it was a good night. Regretful that I'm missing in quite alot of picture since I had to rush down to another meeting:/ 


  1. Wow I didn't know you 这么看得起我 for dance.

  2. Thanks for the rose! It's surviving in a small container of water!



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