

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Cash flow competition

To bring some colour into our my dance and repetitive university life, Angela and I decided to join the cash flow competition as facilitators. It was such a awesome coincidence that Jingqi also signup for it, with Thomas being a participant. 

It was quite a miracle that we manage to facilitate the whole competition with just 2 mere training session. One to learn and play the game and another to practice facilitating a training session for the participants. At the very start, we were absolute noobs that knew nothing of assets or liabilities or passive income for that matter. After going through our accounting lecture, everything we learnt in the game suddenly all made sense. Yay to new gained smartness!

The very first practice facilitating session I had was a total chao. The enthu participants asked questions about every thing! Things tt I didn't bother to know.. Then every few minutes I would yell out "SAMMMMMM!" (That the name of our in charge for that day I think... Poor memory) But, what the hey, conducting a training session for beginners despite being a beginner yourself is a real feat okay! Never did I thought the real thing was just gonna be worse. Wayyyy worse.

On the actual day...
For the very first round, I was lucky enough to have Angela facilitate with me. At the start, I was super efficient in explaining the basic rules, getting them to fill up the survey. 

"Need me to explain how to record on the balance sheet?"
- everyone shakes head-
"You all been to the training?"
-Some "yes"es and some "no"s-

I stared at the people who said "no". "Then you know how to record meh", I said. The girl claimed that she learnt online so I brushed it off, thinking she was really hardworking. I totally skipped the explanation on how to record since it was really mafan to explain. I was tired from talking too.

When the game started, I was then I realised they were recording it wrongly! They only record half the stuff, they calculated their cash flow wrongly... It was just terrible! Thank god there was Angela to help me look around and explain how to record. After the first round, I was burnt out! I identified some crucial errors in the way I facilitated: I did make it a point to drill it in their heads to put down the cards so everyone can read it. The players just read quietly to themselves, expecting me to know what's going on and expecting other players to predict what's going on-.- so fails. I felt somewhat guilty that the guy I was betting on to win, did not win. Partly is cuz i didnt monitor their recording at the start and gave out wrong cashflow amounts to people who calculated their cashflow wrongly. That guy who I was betting on was pro definitely, but he had lost to a first timer just because the first timer exclaimed she won first. They actually got out of the rat race at the same time. What a turn of events!

The second round was way better. I had a co-facilitator who was super pro. He seemed to know the game really well. He also had a great idea. He just left the cards tt were opened open so that everyone can see. We also save time and effort trying to stuff the damn card into the bottom of the deck (these lazy players just expect us bankers to do it-.- well there are some gentlemanly players I shan't generalise)

The second round was the best! It went really fast since the Secondary school teams were just pro. There was this guy I knew was going to win. He had all the technique, just not the luck. In the end, with sheer technique (and desperate one at that) he managed to get out of the rat race by just $20! Why desperate? It's because he had soooo much money, he bought the worse not-worth-for-money big deals. It's as bad as $7000 upfront payment for just $100+ increase in passive income. LOL

The third round was the worst. The primary school people just couldn't understand the chim financial terms and it took more explanation and work. Totally drained after that. 

Thank goodness I had to leave for company dinner after the third round. apparently the finals were crazy fast and tedious hahaha. I had a good sinful farewell dinner with my colleagues:D

Yet another long naggy post.... But I have to record my dear memories in detail!


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