

Sunday 30 March 2014

Random Rant

My sister came back moment in a bad mood. She stormed in the room, decided my bag (which was innocently sitting on her chair) was rubbish and flunged it across the room ._. I was in the room witnessing the whole thing. Disrespectful much? To me and the bag >(

My sister used to also put her bags on MY chair but I wouldn't mind. I most definitely never throw them across the room. I would put them on the bed or something if I had to use the chair. Today, I (without thinking) decided to put my bag on my sis' chair since my chair was pretty full. So she thought it was a suitable punching bag and just flung it away -.- Thank god a particular notebook wasn't inside. Otherwise, it would have become way more cui than it already is. Thank god, the figurine on my muffin still intact. Or else hell will break loose! I might even lose my temper for once.

Chill as always, I just picked up the bag and continued with my work. Well, I wrote this post to vent my pent-up emotions.

Never good to piss off my sis,

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