

Friday 20 June 2014

My big competition day!

Being a performing arts student from primary school all the way to junior college, you can say I'm somewhat used to the idea of performances on stage. But this time, I was representing my project "silver IT care" in the Enactus National Competition~~ the idea of doing a big dramatic presentation on stage was so new and interesting to me. I was extremely excited to push myself to new boundaries and sharpening my presentation skills. 

I would say this is a much cooler experience compared to project work. The project is REAL and the presentation style is greatly different from normal business presentation. It is ones that pulls the heart strings of our audience. I had a great time learning how to craft an emotional script as well as designing our presentation slides:) of course, I have made new friends from enactus and learnt much from my fellow presenters. 

Having spent almost everyday at scape preparing for this competition, I hope things will go okay tomorrow! 


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